Beast Mode Autos..... ask about our flavors..
If I had it my way Jan, I'd move there tomorrow. I'm a desert rat at heart and miss my 20% humidity living.. Florida is the first place I've ever lived where sweat can roll down your arm pits while in the shower..New Mexico is wonderful to grow in. Plus with you and you wife you could legally grow 12 adult plants and have 12 seedlings. Its per household. 6 per adult over 21 max 2 adults per household and 6 seedlings per adult over 21 max 2 adults. You cant beat the weather. Not much rain to speak of. no hurricanes or tornados. But our winds. We get the stream coming off the mountains.
and, this year the hurricane season is supposed to be bad.. I cannot imagine having to evacuate at age 70 and it's onlY 9YRS away... hard enough now.
Guess we'll see how things progress