Beans from Carty

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Hey Jan.... you girl are difficult to keep up with your so busy and dedicated to all you do.

I really like #8.. Outside. It has a beautiful structure and the stems on it are stupid thick... great job.

Other then that, I trust you on the choices you make and the way you keep the seeds separated. I think the WW x Beast Mode F2 will be the winner winner chicken dinner.
Wouldn't it be a WW X BM BX1?
Wouldn't it be a WW X BM BX1?
If I didn't get any males they wont be F2s. How do you plant 20 seeds and not get a single male? They are not fems. Oh let me guess they all went under the desk from the cat damage? Remember when I was sending you seeds The cat knocked them all in the floor.
So your floor makes feminized seeds, dang your very good Jan.... hahaha. It's always when you want or need a male huh? My very first grow I bought 10 seeds of K2 off Nirvana... 9 of 10 were males.. and how I met Lady Zandra 20+yrs ago when she felt sorry for me... hahaha.

Well, seeing how this thread is called "Seeds from Carty" . I need to continue to send you goodies. and yes, I sell seeds Jan... like JPS I keep my prices low at $1ea for reg seeds... Fem's it depends on a few things.. stock, strain & demand.. at most, $3ea.

Sat here early this morning and put together a Lemon project for us...
5 - Super Lemon Haze
5 - Golden Lemon x Triple Lemon OG
5 - Mimosa x Triple Lemon OG
3 - SFV OG x C99
2 - Super Lemon
2 - LBL F2 (seeds from Loran himself) Lemon Tree pheno found by Carty
1 - Lemon Slush

23 Regular photo period seeds to go thru and find the best Lemony Strain you can.. in your own time. Plus a bunch of other goodies for you to just goof off with at your leisure..

And the pollen

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