Auto's Done Carty's Way

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New Mexico is wonderful to grow in. Plus with you and you wife you could legally grow 12 adult plants and have 12 seedlings. Its per household. 6 per adult over 21 max 2 adults per household and 6 seedlings per adult over 21 max 2 adults. You cant beat the weather. Not much rain to speak of. no hurricanes or tornados. But our winds. We get the stream coming off the mountains.
If I had it my way Jan, I'd move there tomorrow. I'm a desert rat at heart and miss my 20% humidity living.. Florida is the first place I've ever lived where sweat can roll down your arm pits while in the shower..
and, this year the hurricane season is supposed to be bad.. I cannot imagine having to evacuate at age 70 and it's onlY 9YRS away... hard enough now.

Guess we'll see how things progress
Stay inside sweetie... get the pun. Sweet as sugar. hahaha.

Well, my venture with Budman420 was short lived, he's nuts. between him and his buddy Sean it's the looney ward. One out for himself and trying to steal my genetics, the other is just, bonkers.. I slowly got caught up with 2 idiots with false promises. Oh well, I'm out very little and luckily had not invested much yet and called it all off last night. Told them both, keep the seeds as a gift, lose my # and stop contacting me.. they deserve one another IMHO.
So, I'd like to offer any of my friends here, this site only, some seeds to test. The GDP x BM is really untested since recent creation. I'd love to get at least a good test grow before putting it out there to much.

well, if anything I wound up with a bunch of shirts for a bunch of seeds.. 20 shirts @ $28 ea. I'm stoked.

Funny thing is, while arguing with these idiots on the phone today, a super trusted friend hits me up wanting to know if I was up for a venture to contact him... him I trust.
Stay inside sweetie... get the pun. Sweet as sugar. hahaha.

Well, my venture with Budman420 was short lived, he's nuts. between him and his buddy Sean it's the looney ward. One out for himself and trying to steal my genetics, the other is just, bonkers.. I slowly got caught up with 2 idiots with false promises. Oh well, I'm out very little and luckily had not invested much yet and called it all off last night. Told them both, keep the seeds as a gift, lose my # and stop contacting me.. they deserve one another IMHO.
So, I'd like to offer any of my friends here, this site only, some seeds to test. The GDP x BM is really untested since recent creation. I'd love to get at least a good test grow before putting it out there to much.

well, if anything I wound up with a bunch of shirts for a bunch of seeds.. 20 shirts @ $28 ea. I'm stoked.

Funny thing is, while arguing with these idiots on the phone today, a super trusted friend hits me up wanting to know if I was up for a venture to contact him... him I trust.
One door slams another opens.

It's not as easy as just cranking up a web page and selling seed probably. I dunno. I've never been involved in that side of growing. Sounds interesting and fun. It also sounds like eventually you'll be involved in something.

I'd grow ya some testers for ya but I'm all tied up with other stuff and will be till spring.
Funny how fast you can go from everyone wanting to try your gear to nobody wanting it... I think I'm about done with all this breeding stuff and seed making.. seems like all I've done is waste a lot of my friends valuable time.
One door slams another opens.

It's not as easy as just cranking up a web page and selling seed probably. I dunno. I've never been involved in that side of growing. Sounds interesting and fun. It also sounds like eventually you'll be involved in something.

I'd grow ya some testers for ya but I'm all tied up with other stuff and will be till spring.
Yeah, these guys lead me to believe everything was already in place and this would take off fast only to discover it was all a pipe dream of fantasy. made an arse out of myself jumping the gun and believing their hype. Figured if he can send 20 shirts and 3 hats just to say thanks for selling him some seeds he was at least secure in his own dealings, but no...
Turned into a big embarrassing situation where I find myself returning seeds to friends who also invested, just glad I never sent any of their gear yet.. only out my works..

So... as I sit here with thousands of seeds and stocked for life... I put an end to Carty's Collective Crosses.

Free seeds to anyone willing to take a chance. Large Quantities of Gabagoo to anyone who wants to do a big grow.. rather see them used up then sat on.
I am full outside and inside I am collecting pollen in a few weeks I can run some inside. I am not breeding now just collecting pollen. They are just forming so a week or 2 so I can collect pollen then I will have to clean good. Don't want no accidents. What do you need tested?
Funny how fast you can go from everyone wanting to try your gear to nobody wanting it... I think I'm about done with all this breeding stuff and seed making.. seems like all I've done is waste a lot of my friends valuable time.

Yeah, these guys lead me to believe everything was already in place and this would take off fast only to discover it was all a pipe dream of fantasy. made an arse out of myself jumping the gun and believing their hype. Figured if he can send 20 shirts and 3 hats just to say thanks for selling him some seeds he was at least secure in his own dealings, but no...
Turned into a big embarrassing situation where I find myself returning seeds to friends who also invested, just glad I never sent any of their gear yet.. only out my works..

So... as I sit here with thousands of seeds and stocked for life... I put an end to Carty's Collective Crosses.

Free seeds to anyone willing to take a chance. Large Quantities of Gabagoo to anyone who wants to do a big grow.. rather see them used up then sat on.
I'm gonna pick up a bunch of 1 gal grow sacks and Ill be in touch. I'll run a wall to wall 4x8 run lol
I am full outside and inside I am collecting pollen in a few weeks I can run some inside. I am not breeding now just collecting pollen. They are just forming so a week or 2 so I can collect pollen then I will have to clean good. Don't want no accidents. What do you need tested?
Hey Jan... you are a real sweetheart.. and have already done so much. Draig did some breeding and did GDP x Beast Mode F2. Just be nice to know if they are worthy of sharing.. hate the idea of giving or selling a bunch to find out the 2 strains just didn't work... I have enough to send you a grip of 50... what I'd recommend is putting like 30 into germination.. As things progress you can begin the culling even before
planting.. weird part is, sometimes the smaller seeds surprise ya.. big fat tails, bright white and crack open fast... choice #1. I'll get you a nice pkg out ok....
I'm gonna pick up a bunch of 1 gal grow sacks and Ill be in touch. I'll run a wall to wall 4x8 run lol
you wanting Autos or photos.... so I know what to get prepped for ya..
I'll do some photos for sure!
Autos are more of an  outdoor thing for me, I like the control over photos inside lol
It's been a little bit since I've set someone up with photo periods. Ok.. I'm gonna have some fun putting this together. shoot me a PM with your addy and get yours out with the others...

Jan, I'm sending you some of the Purple Beast to try. GDP x Beast Mode f2. big hopes it is GDP dom.
Tips by Carty

Been noticing many having issues with early growth, autos or photos. I really believe many are suffering from poor soil conditions. bark chunks and sticks can redirect tap roots to go sideways or cut them... trap feeder roots and solidify after watering and turn into a brick as it dries and again, trapping feeder roots.. these are the find hairs you want to grow off of the larger roots, these take up nutrients.

Few ways to solve this problem.. A). Coffee grinder, maybe a 2nd had store, and grind your soil up in small batches... B). Start buying seed starter soil, a loamy soil mix, almost like someone ground it up.,haha

An additive here I believe is a must, perlite. it's magic. Mix this 3 to 1. So 3 cups of soil to 1 cup of
perlite, mix well and walla.. this simple mix will change everything for you. No foods week 1, that will also stunt a plant causing nutrient lockout day 1. these actually have foods stored within themselves for these early days and why nothing is needed... plus your soil should be active already..

Watching the video comparing soils and seeing Miracle Grow beat them all shows how much we over think what these plants need. And that $11-13 I pay for a 3cu ft bag of MG is pretty smart after all.
so think about that as you watch these other soils raise their prices simply because more people are growing.. MG has been around the longest and is proven to produce more and bigger fruit...

Me. MG soil, Foxfarm 3 part and their Bushmaster for calmag... little extra perlite... KISS method,done.
Carty I grow everything in MG soil with added Perlite and Peat. Later I add Worm Castings.
I use FF Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Bush Master CalMag on all my plants and veggies.
I also PH even my tap water because it's at 7.8. I like it between 6.0 and 6.8.
Funny how fast you can go from everyone wanting to try your gear to nobody wanting it... I think I'm about done with all this breeding stuff and seed making.. seems like all I've done is waste a lot of my friends valuable time.

Yeah, these guys lead me to believe everything was already in place and this would take off fast only to discover it was all a pipe dream of fantasy. made an arse out of myself jumping the gun and believing their hype. Figured if he can send 20 shirts and 3 hats just to say thanks for selling him some seeds he was at least secure in his own dealings, but no...
Turned into a big embarrassing situation where I find myself returning seeds to friends who also invested, just glad I never sent any of their gear yet.. only out my works..

So... as I sit here with thousands of seeds and stocked for life... I put an end to Carty's Collective Crosses.

Free seeds to anyone willing to take a chance. Large Quantities of Gabagoo to anyone who wants to do a big grow.. rather see them used up then sat on.
carty, my curent grow is all of your gear and so far loving the Snow leopard and Goji photos. I will be growing it again if you are willing to send out. I will send you a PM.
Been noticing many having issues with early growth, autos or photos. I really believe many are suffering from poor soil conditions. bark chunks and sticks can redirect tap roots to go sideways or cut them... trap feeder roots and solidify after watering and turn into a brick as it dries and again, trapping feeder roots.. these are the find hairs you want to grow off of the larger roots, these take up nutrients.
I've noticed this in many other soils, but since I went to ProMix I've pretty much ditched that issue which has been great. Out if the 10 bales of promix I've used I've found maybe 12 or 15 sticks and bark chucks. I really like growing in Peat, it's such nice and fluffy stuff!

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