Beans from Carty

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I think from the size of the buds about 4 more weeks but who knows she should have been finished by now. All the shenanigans with the kittens and the weather stalled her for a few weeks at least. Maybe 3, again we will see. I have been giving her blossom and calmag once a week but not at the same time.
Can I ask you why you fear using it at the same time? I mix my nutes once a week and mix them together.
I take a gallon jug, I get a 1cup mixing cup I use for watering... plastic cup I've had years and love.
I mix my nutrients in this and then pour it into the gallon... the calmag I put directly into the gallon jug..

The only thing you really want to be sure and not do... never mix nutrients together raw, meaning, without water to dilute each as they mix together. be sure your foods include both Micro and Macro nutrients.

Shake your jug well between plants.... if your just unsure on when to feed... here is a great rule of thumb to follow.. Water, Water, Feed... repeat. usually this is close to weekly.
That DE. Isn't it bad for your lungs? Does it stick to the trichomes where it would be inhaled when burned? Just curious.
There are 2 grades of this and the one I use is Food Grade. this is non lethal to humans and all pets... so be sure to use to correct one as I almost bought the wrong one until I got some guidance...
I’m only going into week 2 flower so still got 7-8 weeks left.
nice.... plenty of time
Jan.. with all the stress she has been thru I'm really surprised she has yet to hermie.. a sign she could be a true female, a 1/100 thing. What this means, no matter what you do to her she will never throw male counter parts.. not saying this is what it is, but, a very good possibility however.
The theory is, she stores no male genetics within herself, a true 100% lady with only female genetics...

Theory is, by now with all the stress she has been thru she would of for sure hermie'd .. so keep a good eye on her and if she manages to finish and produce seeds we could be in for a real treat Jan... only time will tell
Jan.. with all the stress she has been thru I'm really surprised she has yet to hermie.. a sign she could be a true female, a 1/100 thing. What this means, no matter what you do to her she will never throw male counter parts.. not saying this is what it is, but, a very good possibility however.
The theory is, she stores no male genetics within herself, a true 100% lady with only female genetics...

Theory is, by now with all the stress she has been thru she would of for sure hermie'd .. so keep a good eye on her and if she manages to finish and produce seeds we could be in for a real treat Jan... only time will tell
I don't know let me check them again and see. I will post pics.
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a naturally occurring sand made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms. The two main types of DE are food-grade and filter-grade, which differ in their crystalline silica concentrations and uses:
  • Food-grade
    Also known as freshwater DE, this type is mined from dry lake beds and contains 0.5–2% crystalline silica. It's approved for use by the EPA, USDA, and FDA, and is used as an insecticide, anti-caking agent, and feed supplement in agriculture. It can also be used in alternative medicine, such as cleansing the digestive tract, or ingested by humans.
  • Filter-grade
    Also known as saltwater DE or non-food-grade, this type comes from ocean sources and contains upwards of 60% crystalline silica. It's toxic to mammals but has many industrial uses, including water filtration, dynamite production, and as a filter aid in brewing and wine-making. It's not safe to use as an insecticide, or for people or animals to eat
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a naturally occurring sand made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms. The two main types of DE are food-grade and filter-grade, which differ in their crystalline silica concentrations and uses:
  • Food-grade
    Also known as freshwater DE, this type is mined from dry lake beds and contains 0.5–2% crystalline silica. It's approved for use by the EPA, USDA, and FDA, and is used as an insecticide, anti-caking agent, and feed supplement in agriculture. It can also be used in alternative medicine, such as cleansing the digestive tract, or ingested by humans.
  • Filter-grade
    Also known as saltwater DE or non-food-grade, this type comes from ocean sources and contains upwards of 60% crystalline silica. It's toxic to mammals but has many industrial uses, including water filtration, dynamite production, and as a filter aid in brewing and wine-making. It's not safe to use as an insecticide, or for people or animals to eat
Yes I only buy Food grade but yesterday morning I had to bring out the BT. Something is snacking on my plants. I am not finding any signs of pests other than the gnawed leaves. I check daily on the upper and lower leaves. I also see a few webs. In case its mite just showing up we brought out the big guns. I don't want that to get out of control. Aphids are visible. I wash their dead bodies off my white table every morning when watering. Looks like some one sprinkled the table with pepper. Good ol’ DE
We have a ton of grasshoppers in Texas this year. When I mow my yard I see hundreds of the little green fkers.🤪
Yes I have not seen those. We get them but usually in spring time they are bothersome.,I haven’t even seen them. Just aphids and flys.
Snails... they move slowly but do a bunch of damage. Or, get this Jan. You have a smart kitty dressing up as an earthworm and doing this... hahaha. go gettem girl
Snails... they move slowly but do a bunch of damage. Or, get this Jan. You have a smart kitty dressing up as an earthworm and doing this... hahaha. go gettem girl
Hopefully they will grow out of the using the plants for scratching posts... maybe put something in the yard that they love even more... like a catnip tree.. lol. I can see them as kittens all spazzed out, especially during night hours... time to get out the super soaker.... you know, for training... hehe.

I love your yard... so many strains, so little time.

Jan, did you know my Black Ogerstone is a photo period.. that's the strain Draig discovered in his backyard.. this strain is epic and we are so hoping we get a breeding pair out of these monsters..
Black Ogerstone.jpg

this is a cross of the real deal Ghost Cut (Ghost OG, Ghost Oger, Ghost Ogre) a few names. all I know is it came from Oregon Kid and I know the person who bought it and named it... it's one of the most wicked strains I've ever encountered. crossed her to a Vietnamese Black F3 to save her ....
Maui WauiView attachment 360028 this is the girl I have been spraying with colloidal silver.
I am starting to see balls. At keadt I know I am on the right track. Sprayed her with BT tonight. She will cone into the spare closet aka my old grow room. She will be ok in there. Nothing else in there but my plant that I gave Jacks to and it grew like 12 ft. I have taken cuttings several times and it needs to happen again. They are way yo big . The kitties are almost pulling it down because they are trying to climb it.
The more I watch all you do the more I realize what a blessing it is you've arrived at this site. Love all you do and all you share.. including your kitty drama... lol.

I've never tried the Colloidal Silver trick to create Fem stock.... going to be awesome to watch this...
The more I watch all you do the more I realize what a blessing it is you've arrived at this site. Love all you do and all you share.. including your kitty drama... lol.

I've never tried the Colloidal Silver trick to create Fem stock.... going to be awesome to watch this...
I've never used it either. I'm tracking Jans progress with this. I want to learn to make fem and photo.
I've never used it either. I'm tracking Jans progress with this. I want to learn to make fem and photo.
Use a longer auto not a fast finisher. It takes about 2-3 weeks of spraying with the colloidal silver. Then after she drops pollen you still need 6 weeks to get viable seeds. If you need a faster flowering auto I suggest you buy the spray on amazon the thiosulfate or whatever it us called works faster but I like all natural stuff I can make aNd use myself. I will keep posting the progress of my adventures or misadventures. Like when I tried to make fem seeds from the bubblegum I got from Carty and I killed her. Oopss
I cannot count the strains I've killed.. and some, we won't talk about because they were so rare it's not even funny...
So, did you want another try with Bubblegum Jan. I have the ultimate version, so lets see if this work and if so, we'll send you some of BOG's Bogglegum F2 seeds. this strain is the best Bubblegum ever ever.

and I have a few Doublegum x Bubblegum left after selling 5... otw to Australia baby... lol
I cannot count the strains I've killed.. and some, we won't talk about because they were so rare it's not even funny...
So, did you want another try with Bubblegum Jan. I have the ultimate version, so lets see if this work and if so, we'll send you some of BOG's Bogglegum F2 seeds. this strain is the best Bubblegum ever ever.

and I have a few Doublegum x Bubblegum left after selling 5... otw to Australia baby... lol
I wouldn't mind a crack at the bubblegum. I did make a few bubblegum last time so I have some. But I really think they were mislabeled. They smelled nothing like bubblegum not even if you rub your fingers on the upper stem. Usually you at least get a whiff of BG

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