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Your in for quite a treat.. hey, how about I send you some Celtic Stone pollen and you preserve the Stoned Rhino for us by painting a branch 2wks into flower... have plenty Draig sent me from the preservation run of 2023 he did for us... if he wasn't in a chair he'd be killing it... so kudo's for what he does accomplish..
That would be great to back cross to preserve the Stoned Rhino! ❤️
That would be great to back cross to preserve the Stoned Rhino! ❤️
Bro.. after he seen your comment he felt as bad for receiving it as I did gifting it away... but, sometimes things just work out right, and instead of sending it back.. I"m sending him pollen to preserve it and split the seeds.

Hey, the CS pollen you sent me.. is it dd pheno?? hoping so, I love that big main cola, be the one I'd want to reverse and feminize, later on, turn auto if we could isolate that gene and guarantee the dd pheno every plant.

Good to see ya on here, I know your having a rough go atm.. Has wifey made it home?
@Draig @Carty

I got ya on a preservation of the Stoned Rhino for sure.
I only popped 5 out of 10 seeds, but if I find a solid male, he's gonna be a donor to a few ladies.

I like the idea of Grape Rhino and Siriusly Stoned.
Grape Gas x Stoned Rhino
Sirius Black x Stoned Rhino
I love seeing someone starting to have fun creating.... we are pollen slingers and we create some of the worlds hidden gems by experimenting... it's what we do.

Have fun and they sound interesting bro.. go for it.
Oh we just survived 2wks of hell... never having a visitor stay from longer then a week ever again. Even family can test your last nerve. but it was needed, gave her a 10th chance and some folks never change. be another 11yrs. haha.
Right now we are scraping by trying to pay off a few things to lower our overhead.. about 7mos away from paying off a few loans too... wheew. you'd think never missing a payment your credit rating would be great.. nope. credit ratings are a scam and learning how to play the game here slowly... 30pts shy of getting our refinance. grrr.

Tonight it's FOOTBALL kickoff.... my Ravens vs my wife's Chiefs... we tend to lose our first 2 games so I'm not expecting to much... damnit... hahaha
Carty's & Draigs newest strain is incredible.

Black Oger Stone - Oger Ghost Cut x Vietnamese Black F3 grown out to F2,
Celtic Stone F5 pollen drizzled all over her by Draig last year.

Draig's daughter found some plants growing out behind the shed and told Draig.. this was where he
dumped the soil from the plants just breed last season... so seeds fell into the soil and sat dormant during
the snow of winter and grew wild for months to achieve this size, health unattended..

Black Ogerstone and Draig.jpg

The male has been culled and cloned for future use in these plants.. we fully intend on seeding these ladies and carry this project to it's fullest potential. CS has been a love of both of ours, this is why... both of these ladies lean towards the Celtic Stone as Draig and I both recognize the leaf and plant structure as being CS dominant.
Making us very happy...

Now that Draig has been feeding them Roots Organics Buddha line of organics.. they plants have perked up nicely and one is 9ft and 16ft around... the other is 11ft almost 12 and 20ft around. the inner of both plants has been cleaned up to improve air flow and lower and mid branches lollipopped. Preflower should begin soon.
P.'S. Draig is so motivated by this plant, his wheel chair bound self is on a ladder and, has to walk all the way out to the plants location because his chair isn't 4 x 4.. hahaha. Brother, I am so proud of you and your efforts to get better. I know Lady Zandra was nervous you being on the ladder. My wife is too when I am so....

Keep up the good work Draig....
P.'S. Draig is so motivated by this plant, his wheel chair bound self is on a ladder and, has to walk all the way out to the plants location because his chair isn't 4 x 4.. hahaha. Brother, I am so proud of you and your efforts to get better. I know Lady Zandra was nervous you being on the ladder. My wife is too when I am so....

Keep up the good work Draig....
Biggest F’in cannabis plant I ever saw.
Not bad huh? Draig and I are considering this our Holy Grail and lifes work.

We all grew Celtic Stone back in 2005, had a huge following and then just died off when the creator, Deadvet, walked away.. 2yrs ago I sent Draig and Lady Zandra a pack of seeds I had grabbed from a buddy in Australia I've kept in touch with from those very days mentioned above.. another follower of Deadvet.

Reinventing our love for this strain, we've since crossed it to many projects.. GOJI is another and is doing awesome in the well manicured hands of Gardentroll... also to be tested soon after harvest.

Can you believe it's 20ft around... we are talking pounds at harvest if he can stay ahead of the morning dew... told him to invest in a leaf blower, works great for fighting bud rot and dew issues.

Black Oger Stone, a few have been gifted out as testers.... most are being held until further testing per Draig's request.. trying to take this one seriously and hit these ladies with pollen off the male clones..
I am gonna be popping my Black Ogre in the near future.
Next to pop, Ice Princess for the MP grow off.
2nd to pop, some testers I have committed to growing out for someone on OG.
3rd to pop, Black Ogre.
I am really curious to see how it compares to the Sour Ogre ( ECSD x Ghost OG ) that Bigsur sent me.
They both got that Ghost cut in there……
I am gonna be popping my Black Ogre in the near future.
Next to pop, Ice Princess for the MP grow off.
2nd to pop, some testers I have committed to growing out for someone on OG.
3rd to pop, Black Ogre.
I am really curious to see how it compares to the Sour Ogre ( ECSD x Ghost OG ) that Bigsur sent me.
They both got that Ghost cut in there……
Cool... you have the original Mom to Black Oger Stone right there.... my Black Oger. The Vietnamese Black F3 used in it Bigsur knows it... it was gifted away in large quantity on the Cabana site.... tested very well and why I used her. but the Celtic Stone added after that is where the size increased so much we believe.

yeah, Big and I are good friends. I know mine came from Barefrog via Wesos, he knows the same people.
that man is sitting on so much seed stock it would make your head spin... we've sent so many back and forth, buddies on the Cabana for 10yrs and he sent me the Momma of Gabagoo....

Too bad he's not on here.. good dude.
Hey carty this I believe is either blak belt you sent me or one of the black oger stone very healthy just started flowering look at the leaf structure it was pollinated by a g13 haze plant from old foggy at least it was right near her once I seen the balls big an like I think the split I shook it all around her it only had a few hairs then but it'd be cool to get this crossed with the haze does the leaf structure look similar ?


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You sir are the only person who has ever received my strain Black Belt.
Vietnamese Black x Sugar Belts and omg are you in for a treat. I only got like 30 seeds off of it so treat them with care.

Big donations get surprises.... sending some gear to another mate in Australia, a big donor today...

I have 400 strains, hit me up people. $1 a seed.
You sir are the only person who has ever received my strain Black Belt.
Vietnamese Black x Sugar Belts and omg are you in for a treat. I only got like 30 seeds off of it so treat them with care.

Big donations get surprises.... sending some gear to another mate in Australia, a big donor today...

I have 400 strains, hit me up people. $1 a seed.
Just canned all the males and a few lanky gnarly females.

Gonna get these transplanted and moving to flower soon !!
My Black Oger Story....
Gifted Ghost Oger seeds from Barefrog up in Canada I of course shared half to friends leaving me 5.
I grew them out and some how never found a male to keep her around in seed form so I made cuttings and sent them out hoping they'd keep her active.. Hawaii venture is gone, think their region was affected by the Volcanic action.. but at least they are safe.
Meanwhile the cutting I kept and vegged, flipped to flower was brushed up against a Vietnamese Black F3 that was hit by a VB F3 male to make more of those, the Ghost Oger brushed up against the VB and produced 11 seeds... and again I shared a few out leaving me 5. that I sat on for years. Draig came along, reconnecting after 15yrs or so.... He grew the 5 seeds out, one died or just never showed up leaving 4...
Can you believe 4 ladies and not one male.... so Draig made a great decision and hit all 4 with the Celtic Stone F4 donkey dik pheno pollen... omg. this just may be the greatest cross...

Black Oger of Blarney Stone -
Ghost OG or Oger, x Vietnamese Black F3 mom
Celtic Stone F4 (Donkey Dik pheno)

PM if your interested in the Black Oger of Blarney Stone. aka... BOB. ha
Yep! And BOY do they get HUGE outdoors!
We ''accidentally'' threw out some seeds that had dropped into the Moms planters by dumping the used soil out back this past winter... Got 4 plants-- 1 small but hearty male...a HUGE male...and 2 GINOURMOUS Females!!
The biggest one is now 9+ feet x 6ft wide and the base of her stalk dwarves a soda can!
This is a winning combo!
Back-crossing them indoors over the winter! They all cloned in 4...yes FOUR days!! :)
You sir are the only person who has ever received my strain Black Belt.
Vietnamese Black x Sugar Belts and omg are you in for a treat. I only got like 30 seeds off of it so treat them with care.

Big donations get surprises.... sending some gear to another mate in Australia, a big donor today...

I have 400 strains, hit me up people. $1 a seed.
400 strains?
400 strains?
Yup.... over 300 photo periods and over 100 Autos with the majority of the Autos being fem's..... now some in this big collection are down to just a few seeds, but some I still have enough to share.... I also see no need to sit on seeds if someone else wants to run them... like the Lemon Collection I'm sending you...hehe
I'm approaching 100.
I've been at this 6 years but only started collecting 2 years ago.
I plan to do a lot tho once I move and build my grow shed.

Lots of stuff I wanna make and then work into solid genetics
Nice. Maybe later on down the line.

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