Sunakard indoor grow #4

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I've solved most of this issue recently myself.

I made a killer bubble cloner! :D hahah
yeah i got a few cloning methods that work great, but yah just cant clone an auto, and i wish i could the Runt is an impressive plant compaired to the other autos.
Hah, I know right?! I'm running an auto right now for giggles, and though it's rather small.. the whole thing is bud and crystals! Will be a fun 1oz or so. :D :aok:
well lets start things off as usual, the photo period plants that are chillin in veg for a while, this is about 4 days after a bit of pruning, yeah yeah i removed lots of fan leaves, gotta open it all up to get loads of growth tips for cloning so alls good, plus they are both chillinin veg for another month+

Sleetstack X Skunk is first pic, Northern Lights is second pic.
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Budda Purple Kush
the first pic is of all the autos, 4 Budda Purple Kush and a "Purple freebie", the next 4 pics below are of the largest Budda Purple Kush plant, and the last 3 pics below are of the Budda Purple Kush "Runt"... lots of tops on that one, even-ish too lol
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Firstly, very nice looking things :)

Secondly, I've always been curious how some members can put the attached pics where they want in the post. Like you have two pics then more details and the rest of your pics. :confused2:
first off go advanced, there is a paper clip icon where you upload your pics to the site, resize/crop them as needed, then simply type out what you want click the down arrow near the paper clip icon, and click the pic you want to place, click your cursor next to the end of the brackets for that pic... so its like [attachment]picture[/attachment] *put a space here* then add more pics, make sure that between attaching pics you click off the automatically highlighted picture ID number or the next pic you try to attach will replace the one you previously posted. so just click next to the attachment and put a space. attach pictures where you want...
example kinda...

blah blah blah this is a informative sentance
[attachment] pic 1 [/attachment] [attachment] pic 2 [/attachment]

blah blah more info blah blah
[attachment] pic 3 [/attachment]

so on and so forth. by the way that is what you will see as your typing out the message, then post preview to make sure things are right then yer good to go and post it. hope this is clear enough and yah understand

by the way thanks, im actually lovin these autos, lol the color is just so amazing, and the smell is kinda kushy yet very very hashy. and they still have till the 25th-28th of Dec...
hahaha! My auto is going to be done almost the exact same day! :aok:

And thanks for the description. I think I have it sorted now :D
cool cool... if worse comes to worse and yah still cant figure it out i can take some screen shots of the "Advanced Post" page to show what i do. its pretty simple, instead of "Attaching All" you attach each individual pic in the post where you want it. by the way it seems that not everyone knows, but you can post up to 12 pictures in one post, when your uploading pics there are 5 slots to browse your comp for pics, upload 5, then the 5 slots are open again, upload another 5 and then only 2 slots are open, upload 2 more and your at 12 uploaded pictures per 1 post, just a helpful tidbit to share, its nice not having to post like 3 replys just to get all the pics up lol...
as for the autos im really impressed at the size they are currently, and with not much stretch, no more then what iv seen from other peoples, mine may be a tad more stretched but ooh well. im just happy that they are about 2 foot tall from the soil. better then i expected, i was expecting like a foot or foot and a half like i see alot of people autos get, but the 17.5 inch pot depth is defently making a HUGE difference compaired to tiny 1 or 2 gal pots iv seen people use lol... honestly though i wish these would hurry the heck up lol, i know they only got like 4-5 weeks left till chop but i cant wait to toke on some super purple bud and to collect more trimmings to add to my Sour Diesel trimmings to make some hash, just ordered some Bubble Bags the other day, should have them tomorrow, i got the Bubble Bag Dudes cheap version, since i dont have a HUGE grow going on and im not getting tons and tons of trimmings, paying nearly 200 bucks for a 5gal 5bag set is just outta the question for now, ill go with the 30 buck 5gal 5bag set and just be really gentle with them, like not mixing inside the bag but straining through the bags.

ill get an update post up sometime this weekend, they really are flowering quite violently and the day to day progression is just off the charts, if it wasnt for the fact that autos are from seed only and unable to clone, i might be inclined to buy more, but all in all this whole no training, no stress, just let them go and do their thing situation is driving me crazy lol, i love to pinch and bend them girls to keep things more even and such... so cant wait to get the NL and Sleetstack perpetual rotation going. well might as well work on getting some clones rooted and vegged while i patiently wait for these autos to finish...
so i got my 5gal 5bag Bubble Bag Dude bags today, nice carry pouch, its all fluffly and soft lol, a pressing screen i think its a 10inch X 10inch screen, and 220, 160, 120, 73, and 20 micron bags.

so question for you guys,

i have just over an ounce of fresh frozen trim,
should i...
A) mix up a batch of hash today with the bags i just got and the 1oz of trim from my sour diesel harvest about a month and a half ago,


B) wait another 5 weeks until i have the trim from my 5 auto plants to add with the 1oz of trim then do a hash run?
Finally got some pics in here and I gotta say it was worth the wait! Plants are looking sexy! Where did you get your Northern Lights?
well got another little update. granted its only 2 days later but i pulled the girls outta the flower space today for a good watering and some pic under some non orange lights lol, finally got some cool white bulbs for my hallway light so better colored pics, unfortunally they are kinda blurry, sorry about that, im gonna try and get a better camera soon, just gotta wait on a few bills and checks. but yeah some pics of the Budda Purple Kush

Budda Purple Kush

1127131616.jpg 1127131618.jpg 1127131619.jpg 1127131620.jpg 1127131621.jpg 1127131622.jpg 1127131624.jpg 1127131625.jpg 1127131628.jpg 1127131629.jpg last 2 pics here are the Purple Freebie, no purple color which is kinda depressing since its named "Purple"... awe well

7th, the Northern Lights was a freebie from my order from Sea of Seeds, its actually Northern Lights X Northern Lights, unknown breeder, it was also a FEM seed, its lookin awesome actually and showing a few preflowers already, although im still gonna veg it for another month or so...
Your Northern Lights is looking awesome. It looks similar to mine but a lot different thats why I was wondering where you got yours. That's a hell of a freebie lol. I got mine from Nirvana. The purple strains are looking awesome too. The budda purple kush in particular. It almost looks blueish and purple. Can't wait to see the finished buds!

Do you do a lot of trimming on your plants?
well that depends 7th, from the pics of the NL and Sleetstack Skunk you can see i did ALOT of trimming, i took off almost all of the larger fan leaves inorder to open up space for side branches to start growing larger, i also pulled the main branches down so they are horizontal not vertical, im doing this for 2 main reasons, clones and bushing, yeah yeah i know cutting fan leaves is a bad thing, but you should see the NL and SS now, loads more undergrowth is growin so ill have not only a bunch of clones i can take but ill also have a ton of growth tips even with the main canopy, not going to do a scrog but just lots of tying. but above all my biggest goal here is to get tons of clones from these 2 plants so when the autos are done i can start a perpetual grow. so far so good, got 4 clones from SS and 2 from NL that are doing very well and should be rooted by next week sometime.
I fear herming and stressing TOO much to pull any healthy portions off during flowering. You are stronger than me in that regard! I leave all fan leaves until they are 70%+ worn, and then I do "test tugging" to see if they are ready to come off.

Curious, what are your findings with pulling them off? Do you get many herms or issues? How long you been removing big fans leaves and how many do you removing in total and/or at one time? (Just curious is all... I've thought of removing some of my leaves this run, but I tuck em every night instead) :D
the only fan leaves i remove from a flowering plant are the ones that are 75%+ dead and almost about to fall off naturaly or just being stubborn and wont fall off lol... the NL and SS iv been pruning like mad are still in veg, i did a huge pruning last weekend, i wanna say i cut off all large fan leaves except for the top 2 or 3 sets per branch, so a good 75% or so, let them recover for like a week and they have 10 times more growth tips growing upwards, basically just opened it up so light could get to the lower under branches and help those grow more then if they were still shaded, by opening it up and allowing more light to penetrate im getting far more even growth then if i hadnt pruned up a bit... ill make sure to give them at least 2 weeks of recovery before i start them on flowering.
yeah its not a problem as long as you give them time to recover and bounce back, when i was younger i remember my dad snipping almost all of our veggies when they were still young, he said it was so to make them bushier so they dont get as tall in our raised beds. little did i know at the time but he was topping the plants, now growing MJ and thinking back i learned alot of growing techniques at least in the training department way back when i was young, kinda makes me laugh when i hear people crying that your gonna force herm or up right kill the plant with too much pruning, come on thats a joke, look at mother plants, but hey some people just dont get it, they have only grown MJ and not much else, but basic applications like topping and tying down branches to even the canopy is no different then what some people apply to their regular gardens like my dad. give them the time to recover and if trained right youll defently increase your harvest.

but yeah no trim in flower what so ever, except maybe sucker buds, i try to nip off any tiny little buds growing under the canopy that will obviously have no chance at being anything more then being a pinch of shake when dry, mostly when i either just tie the crap outta the plants or go with a scrog, either way them tiny little fluffs aint worth my time so away they go.

speaking of plants in flower, :holysheep: the Budda Purple Kush's are EXPLODING!!! every day im just blown away at the growth, just about every bud is slight smaller around then a quarter and at least 2 inches tall, them girls are starting to fatten up nicely, and the leaves are starting to lay on the trichs more and more each day, all sparkly and beautyful lol, i snipped a tip off of a purple sugar leaf the other day and looked at it under my microscope, again :holysheep: sooooo many trichs. another 4 weeks or so and these should be done, i hope they finish before the new year but if i gotta take them a little longer so be it. but so far today i just cant wait for that first bowl lol
I've been kinda hesitating on trimming my plants cause I don't want to stress them too much but I think I'm gonna go ahead and get snippin.
remember with lots of pruning comes more recovery time. took about 2 weeks for my NL to lush up after a good pruning.

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