March 2009 - Moto-Man

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cool which ones did you order? and how much did you spend?
well you wont regret it!
there handy for cheaking the run off of your plants
to tell if they have enough or too much nutes as well as when your mixing up your nuts!
so do you have any pics of your little guys today?
swiftgt said:
cool which ones did you order? and how much did you spend?
well you wont regret it!
there handy for cheaking the run off of your plants
to tell if they have enough or too much nutes as well as when your mixing up your nuts!
so do you have any pics of your little guys today?

Hey SGT, I got these w/free shipping from Season Gear dot com:

Milwaukee pH Meter, PH600 Mil-PH600-Tester - 22.50
Milwaukee CD97 TDS Mil-CD97 - 15.95

More pics next week bro' - I like it when the pics show dramatic differences :hubba:

Thanks again,
yea they seem like very good prices you got them for well done!
i payed $70 for my milwaukee ec metre!
did you get any calibration fluid for the metre?
how long you vegging those for?
what is your height and width available
in your flower room?
id flower those right now myself, imo
thedonofchronic said:
how long you vegging those for?
what is your height and width available
in your flower room?
id flower those right now myself, imo

Well, these have been vegging for only 22 days since germination and are now between 4-6" tall. I gotta say though, these are all nice and bushy and squat, even my bee-ess seeds (bagseed). I have stipules forming on most now plus the beginnings of 9-point leaves on a few - like the f'n Speed Queen (!) w/ 6mm diameter stems hard as a rock already...

My flowering closet is 3' wide, 2.5" deep and almost 6' but it's not ready yet at all. I will post to the Growing Room section in a few, cuz I have some serious questions to ask there about ventilation/exhaust etc.

My sense was to wait until I see some pre-flowers, and given that I have stipules already , that could come soon, no? As I said elsewhere though, I only have room for four plants in the closet.

Thanks for your comments DOC, I think maybe I should maybe wait a lil longer here though until I determine gender.

it depends do you want mothers to take clones off or do you just want to flower what you have?
well if you can use the full 6foot
,ie hang the light at 6foot then you should be able to veg them to at least 3 foot,
hay you can ask questions on your g.j and then you will know where the answers are!
Moto-Man said:
Thanks for your comments DOC, I think maybe I should maybe wait a lil longer here though until I determine gender.

Well, for a number of reasons I changed my mind and three days ago I went to 12/12. Thanks DOC. They're under the T5s for a spell, but w/ 12 plants I wanna see four females at least. I'm still in the midst of sorting through things and equipment, but I decided that a non-ventilated hood in a 32"x20"x60" would be too hot. Right now I'm working on my 400W Cooltube and trying to engineer that.

It's not so easy to be a good (efficient) farmer when you have limitations of space and $$ ! I have to redo a good portion of my garage and get my moto-tools off the wall to accommodate this hobby :)

Anyway, I have a couple weeks of growth-height time so I can verify gender, which will hopefully occur soon.

Thanks for all the supportive remarks everyone! Pics coming at next feeding time, which should be tomorrow or Friday since soil is not yet bone-dry :)

I'll also include updated pics of growing space and my 400W HPS Cooltube - modified for my situation :)

swiftgt said:
it depends do you want mothers to take clones off or do you just want to flower what you have?
well if you can use the full 6foot
,ie hang the light at 6foot then you should be able to veg them to at least 3 foot,
hay you can ask questions on your g.j and then you will know where the answers are!

Thanks SGT, I think I want both :)

I'm actually more like 5' from top to bottom in the flowering space and my veg space, is less than 3' all told. I added more remarks in this thread a minute ago. Thanks a lot for your interest, I'm still feeling good about things in spite of my learning curve!

5ft, just remember to factor in the height of your pots and a safe distance from light when you workin out how tall you would like finished plants to be, damn good job you put em 12/12 now me thinks, all the best :)
Moto-Man said:
Hey SGT, I got these w/free shipping from Season Gear dot com:

Hey man plants are looking great- I'll be looking forward to the new pics.

Is that website correct? I went to it and it doesn't work... are they just down?

hxxp:// ??
i think you should flower now so,
also you should prob look into a sea of green method of growing,
as you dont have very much height to work with.
GrowinGreen said:
Hey man plants are looking great- I'll be looking forward to the new pics.

Is that website correct? I went to it and it doesn't work... are they just down?

hxxp:// ??

Fixed the website in your quote! I actually just ordered a new PH pen from them yesterday. :D
hi moto
i like your idea for the cool tube,
intercooler hose? what did you use for the glass?
mylar should do fine untill you get a reflector
figures you have look along the same lines as what i would get,
so looks good so far!
you should be fine, just keep a close eye on them!
[Sorry if this appears twice]

Hey everyone - hope all is well and green for y'all :)

OK, following earlier, solid advice and encouragement from SwiftGT and others, I picked up PPM and PH meters. (Thanks, LHL for correcting the link, yeah, nice price, very fast service. I love competence :)

Anyway, tonight I calibrated both tools, and with feeding of my babies necessary, I took copious notes! I had fun doing this, being all scientific and such... cuz' I'm pretty much a fly (ride!) by the seat of my pants kinda guy - lol But, precision is important here, I realize.

I don't wanna pretend that I understand the implications here at all, but here are my notes below. I'd be very grateful to you guys 'n gals for interpretation here, what are the implications of these numbers? What am I doing right? What am I doing wrong?

Here's what I measured and did tonight:

My tap water after sitting for several days in a clean gallon milk jug: 7.9 PH. Happily, I had some "PH Down" and made this go to 6.0 - did I err here?

I have my tap water (rated second best in the nation in the NYT a year or two ago) in gallon milk jugs and w/ 12 plants I need almost three of these. I watered these bad-boyz-girlz w/ 20-24 oz nutrient-rich solution made up of 1 tsp GH Flora Grow, Micro & Bloom, plus 1 tsp of Dyna Grow Liquid Bloom. This solution revealed the following numbers:

With PH adjusted in jug 1, I had a PPM reading of 841. I applied this carefully to the following plants until I realized run-off. This is what I then got in PPM:

Satori 1 - 201
Satori 2 - 381
Satori 3 - 167

Bagseed 1 - 181
Bagseed 2 - 167

The second jug of nute solution gave me this new PPM: 778

So I used this to water the next groups of plants and got these results in my measurements:

Speed Queen 1 - 153
Speed Queen 1 - 201
Speed Queen 1 - 292

Now, here are some interesting (and low-ish) numbers from my White Widows - three of whom were FIM'd already because they were growing TOO fast!

WW 1 - 152
WW 1 - 065 - ***?
WW 1 - 110
WW 1 - 076 - this one was fed w/ a new jug of water/solution w/ an initial PPM of 865

I have not noted any pre-flowers, so no clue as to gender yet. Here are some pics before watering them tonight.

Also, here's a couple pics of my Cooltube setup for my 400W lamp I intend t use in my 30"x 20"x60" flowering closet. The two screws you see are to tweak the positioning of the lamp so it's centered in the tube. I'll prolly need a reflector, I figure cardboard and Mylar for the time being... love that
umbrella reflector that LHL picked up recently though!

Cheers everyone and thanks for helping me out!
swiftgt said:
hi moto
i like your idea for the cool tube,
intercooler hose? what did you use for the glass?
mylar should do fine untill you get a reflector
figures you have look along the same lines as what i would get,
so looks good so far!
you should be fine, just keep a close eye on them!

Hey bro, this is The Hemp Goddess's idea! She has instructions on that thread in her sig. I couldn't find any side mounted mogul sockets like she has, so I took two 90' angle brackets and fastened them to a standard type socket, then into the rubber coupler w/ a couple small panhead bolts & nuts (hidden under the hose clamp). I used license plate nylon fasteners as spacers :D I still need to take the heat gun and some WD40 to push that other coupler down over the glass some more. This is a "Bake Around" pyrex glass tube I got on e-Bay.

I'm gonna try to cool it w/ the exhaust vent (steady 77 degrees) from my T5 veg space... not sure if that will keep it as cool as I might need, but I'll give it a go :hubba: and report back.


Pics 037.jpg

Pics 038.jpg
Here are some more pics of my WW, SpeedQueen, Satori and random BagSeed plants at 27 days since sprouting. :hubba: These are on 12/12 for several days now.


Pics 040.jpg

Pics 041.jpg

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