GM Xmas Grow

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That's really interesting stuff, I never even thought of the idea of taking a clipping and flipping them to tell sex. Makes sense though, I'm sure you will still end up with some nice plants
Yeah, I'm kicking myself in the ass for not doing cuttings like I've done before. I'll not make this mistake again.

Regenerating a clone taken in flower is pretty straight forward. Dropping a plant into flower and then removing her after sex is identified could end up a mess once she converts back to veg.

Add the ongoing problems I'm having with some of these and I think this is going to be a challenging grow. 3 of the 8 are still giving me fits..oh well that's
Yeah, I'm kicking myself in the ass for not doing cuttings like I've done before. I'll not make this mistake again.

Regenerating a clone taken in flower is pretty straight forward. Dropping a plant into flower and then removing her after sex is identified could end up a mess once she converts back to veg.

Add the ongoing problems I'm having with some of these and I think this is going to be a challenging grow. 3 of the 8 are still giving me fits..oh well that's
Couldn't this stress also cause hermie plants?
Couldn't this stress also cause hermie plants?
Not super worried about it flipping out on me and throwing balls. I'm worried about the growth. Once it re vegges those small bud sites will kick out a lot of growth. Not a horrible thing but can be a pain in the ass down the road.

I'm not real heavy on the defoliation gig. I remove a lot during a grow but ya mostly can't tell. If these girls explode I'll prob end up removing a lot. Huge difference between a 3" flowering clone and a entire plant
That's really interesting stuff, I never even thought of the idea of taking a clipping and flipping them to tell sex. Makes sense though, I'm sure you will still end up with some nice plants


Trying out some 12"x12" floater screens in veg stage. Took just a few minutes per plant.

Cap Junky....a few before pics.
After the floater is placed...

And all of them after the small floater. These should help spread them outwards and prepare them for a larger 18x20 floater just before flower.

Got them all about the same height now. I had to secure the screens down for now. Before long the plant will push upwards and the wire holding the screen can be removed.
Use the leaf stem.......

If your working some branches around under the screen and find that one branch that just doesn't want to stay where ya put it.

Sometimes if it's not to much pressure you can wrap the leaf stem and tuck it. This will often hold it in place until the new growth comes.
Right there ^^^^^^ Great example.

@Flower thanks for posting this.

No problem, I would like to add, when doing this, I pour a little Jacks 20-20-20 in the bottom of the cup.
If I use straight water, the cuttings often turn so yellow before they show sex, that I have to start over.
Finally got this little tent setup. It's supposed to be a two chamber tent but I'll be using the whole thing as one.

2x3 tent
300w Addiding lamp
6" inline booster fan
All makes for a nice small package. For now this is going to grow some autos. After that I'll use it to feed the two larger tents. Probably only going to put two autos in there for this grow off.
My small veg tent is a 2 x 2 Cool Grow.... nice cheap little tent but careful on zipper light leaks ok.

But most do eventually.. my other tent is a Gorilla Lite and has the flaps that cover the zippers... but I
do like that tent man.. look at the access it offers ya. and I need to disassemble mine so I can life my light all the way up to the frame like you did....

Now to go rock it huh? and you will...

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