my thread still going..i may still have the pics on cdr ill see what i got and maybe put them up here or on a new thread. 
goneindawind said:i used a heat factory heating pad from walmart for 2 bucks i put my beans in apaper towle dat i had put in a cd case den i teped da heat pad to it on 1 side 6 hrs later sprouted and b4 this i was having problems withda seeds seems like dey love heat
Runbyhemp said:I do it the old fashioned way ... poke a hole in some dirt and pop it in.
Soma maintains that transferring seedlings from tissue paper can damage the micro roots and cause unneccessary stress.
Hick said:Mother Nature never used paper towels or a baggie.
"IMHO"...this method is simply 'another' oppurtunity to muff them up. Those embryo's are delicate, Handling/moving/touching them dureing that stage is a risk.
There was a time that I employed "out of container germination", no mas
I prefer to drop 1 seed in 1 hole, approximately one half inch deep, in a quality organic soil, (FFOC) well saturated. Temps around 75F and keep 'em 'moist'.
ShuttyMcShutShut said:The best way I can answer your question is to tell you to follow what the other people have said regarding the paper towel method....let the tip grow out about 1/4" and then GENTLY GENTLY GENTLY(i cant stress this enough) place the seed, root down in a grow cube.....i have used rockwool grow cubes in the past, they seem to work pretty well....you can buy them at hydro stores or online, they're cheap.....jsut remember to 1.use distilled water(even though some users mention tap water...i think distilled is your best bet. 2.dont touch the root with your fingers and try not to rough it up too much placing it in the rockwool cube. once youve done that, place the cube into your grow medium...push it down in there so that the top of the cube is as close to flush with the top of the grow medium as possible....thats the method thats worked best for me
headband said:the tap root will find its way down, its not like the thing will grow upside down. I normally use the paper towel method, but 2 days ago i dropped 5 beans in a glass of water, now all 5 have cracked and are ready for soil. Its almost guaranteed to sprout, if the tap root shows. From my experience.
lol...absolutely NO method is 100%.. "fool (stupid) proof"..trillions of atoms said:i have a thread on it, i use a cup of water, i wait till the tap root is an inch or over an inch then i poke a hole with a pencil and place root in after peeling shell off. the seedling is already out of the soil by then and have never had an issue. if you cant control your motor functions enough then do what hick said- throw um' in the dirt and water and pray!
my method is fool proof and will give 100% results on any seed that sprouts will be above ground.
like others have said- to each his own![]()
trillions of atoms said:well it would be the same giving some one instructions that put something together and the person didnt follow the directions and the object you were making failed to be correct.
Well... foolproof way to seriously hurt yourself is to load a .357 stubby with a live round and put it to your temple, cock it and squeeze the trigger. Yes theres a very small chance the bullet wont fire but odds are.....its foolproof.
Hope nobodys up to proving that one wrong.
Nothing wrong with disagreement!