Germinating Seeds for Indoor Grow NOW!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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:D my seeds are germinating right now, i put them in a wet paper towel inside an altoids box (should i put it in a ziplock baggie instead?) and i put it in my closet for darkness. it's been almost a day now.

when i notice the white part coming through i'm going to put it in the soil about 2 times the width of the seed deep. or should i wait longer for it to germinate inside the paper towel?
i would use a zipplock plastic baggie. the meltal from the altoids can may hurt your seeds, and i would wait until the tap root is quater inch long before planted into soil,around quater inch deep..... that is how i would do it....
Yeah i don't like planting once the seed has completely cracked off and has the yellow leaves... I lost a lot of seeds doing that once...
thanks, when do you plant them then? once the seed comes off i never saw yellow leaves before just a white root type thing.
Wait till you see the tap root (little thing poking out the shell about 2 mm long) then its ready to plant 5 mm down from the surface of your grow medium :)
I plant when the seed has a 1/4" tail... Pretty much when the root is a little longer than the seed itself...
I keep my seeds in a paper towel on top of the coffee maker and dont put them into pellets until I can gently pull the shell off the top without hurting them. I wouldnt recomend this method to everyone because like I said you can hurt the babies, but im a fairly new grower and I have never damaged them this way and I have had best results with this method. Good luck.
how long does it take for the "tap root" or "tail" or "white thing" (like i call it) to become long enough to put it in soil 1/4"?

when i put it in soil should i immediately put it under light? or wait a little bit?

should i face the white thing facing up or down into the soil?

thanks guys, been a great help.

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