3rd grow 4 strains of autos in a tent 1000w

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Well after finding out my math was way off on how old the dwarfs are I checked the trichs and they were plenty ready..like 30 % amber...I usually harvest around 10% amber..they are small because of the pot I grew them in...a planter that was on the shallow side...from now on deep pots for my kids...wet weight was 80.6 grams...will probably see 20 or so dry...

Pics of the candy....which i will quick dry a small nug and sample tonight...



Looks like fun in the hamster cage!!! Nice looking bud. She was ready to keep going, too. Still putting out new pistils. Don't forget a smoke report. Good job.
Ohhhhhhhh.....! Thanks for the correction..:hubba: Hmm, wonder where the "white" comes-in??

So i guess there is no "true white auto" yet??

White Dwarfs are (Skunk#1/SuperSkunk x Ridu) x Northern Lights.
Why they stink so much worse than the others. Got that skunk in there.
I have a 3 gallon smart grow bag that I'm using for my next grow. It's wider and shallower than a regular#3 bag. I hope that it won't affect me as the roots are supposed to be able to grow into the bag.

That white dwarf looks awesome.
420benny said:
Looks like fun in the hamster cage!!! Nice looking bud. She was ready to keep going, too. Still putting out new pistils. Don't forget a smoke report. Good job.

Thanks Benny...yeah I messed up in counting the days on them...just realized yesterday that they were over 60 days... I think I hve done a smoke report at the end of my 2nd grow for these....Here is the basics...Very very stinky...smells like dead skunk...the smoke is potent and on the heavy indica couch lock side for sure...I hve been smoking my other strains and had forgotten how much more of a couch lock this smoke is...very good bedtime smoke...I slept like a baby last night...:)
Trafic said:
I have a 3 gallon smart grow bag that I'm using for my next grow. It's wider and shallower than a regular#3 bag. I hope that it won't affect me as the roots are supposed to be able to grow into the bag.

That white dwarf looks awesome.

I don't know traffic...these were grown in a planter and the shallowness of it really affected the size and yield...
I will be going with deep pots from now on...
uptosumpn said:
Ohhhhhhhh.....! Thanks for the correction..:hubba: Hmm, wonder where the "white" comes-in??

So i guess there is no "true white auto" yet??

I am not sure bro...I will hve to look into it....Hopefully they will be coming out with a bunch of new auto strains soon...I wld love to see a pure Sat auto...something like LA Confidential or Barneys farm LSD in an auto form...
uptosumpn said:
Ohhhhhhhh.....! Thanks for the correction..:hubba: Hmm, wonder where the "white" comes-in??

So i guess there is no "true white auto" yet??

White Dwarf is named due to the color I believe. Due to the Sugary Coatedness.
The Red Dwarf is (SkunkxRidu)x Skunk. It says it got that name due to the hairs. When you step back they look Red.

Im hoping a Blue, Purple, Orange, type one is next out of them lol.
White Dwarf is named due to the color I believe. Due to the Sugary Coatedness.

You got that right Spear...These puppies get very frosty...I still hve to say that I like the RRF better because it is more of a functional high...where the WD is a cinder block feet high...
I was telling HIE today Hamster that I wish I could share this male RRF with yall.
Near 20 inches in 24 days. Stalk half inch thick. Mix this puppy with a White Dwarf and see what would happen lol.

Ive grown alot of skunks years ago. Still never any odor this terrible from a plant. And its from a male. I dont understand it lol.
I was telling HIE today Hamster that I wish I could share this male RRF with yall.
Near 20 inches in 24 days. Stalk half inch thick. Mix this puppy with a White Dwarf and see what would happen lol.

Ive grown alot of skunks years ago. Still never any odor this terrible from a plant. And its from a male. I dont understand it lol.

Have you posted any pics yet Spear?? I gotta see your kids...20 inches in 24 days...damn
sorry to hear your bad luck with dope-seeds.com :**: esp since i am waiting on some autos from there myself :eek: have a quick q for you, you mentioned going with deeper pots, what is the best size for autos? have been told that you need 3 gallons for flowering, is this big enough? thanks for any tips! :D
sundancer245 said:
sorry to hear your bad luck with dope-seeds.com :**: esp since i am waiting on some autos from there myself :eek: have a quick q for you, you mentioned going with deeper pots, what is the best size for autos? have been told that you need 3 gallons for flowering, is this big enough? thanks for any tips! :D

Overall dope seed is fine..I just had a problem with one strain pretty much...the Russian Rocket Fuel on there is the shiot...My favorite auto strain so far...as for pot size..the bigger the better..if you hve the room just go with huge pots..if you are space challenged then go with a deeper pot..3 gallon pots sound good...I hve used smaller then that and got great yields with the RRF and SnowRyder...
outstanding, we have plenty of room, have a 9x14 bedroom am setting up and in mi we can only grow 12 so dont see space as a prob, just figured that the bigger the pots the more soil it takes to fill them when its time to replace soil, so we didnt want to go any bigger than needed, this will be our first grow so we are just reading/researching every thing we can, so any advice on growing the auto's wil be GREATLY appreciated!:)
Autos are pretty easy...gve them 20 hours of light a day (18 if power consumption is a worry), I start them in Miracle Grow soil for seedlings which is very lightly nuted and then start feeding them bloom nutes once they start to flower...I start out with 1/4 strength and increase it a 1/4 each feeding till I am at full strength...I back off the nutes and flush if I see nute burn...
so you used MG soil, any particular one? have heard bad things about MG soil and have been told to use FFOF....

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