yup...that's it zip ...let's hope it goes as well w/ me...I'm gonna try to find some mothballs for pretty cheap real soon too...And Toke, i've thought about it alot, really wish i could...But my ground's just so unpredictable i'd never try to dig that big of whole...I did however consider 'tubing' it in the ground, by just cutting off the bottom, and digging a whole for the bottom half of bucket...I'd stress them way too much if i ever tried to transplant, after they get into those 5 gals they shoot up pretty big really quick, so i usually just pick which i want in ground and keep in 1-2 gals for a couple weeks longer than the buckets...I'd say i could properly transplant one of those right now if i had maybe a couple extra hands, but it's not worth the risk

...i got enough to worry about as is ...thanks for droppin' by folks, i'll try to get an update in the next 2 days i'd say...