Toker's Outdoor Bagseed Grow

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It was alright temp. today...But it's been sittin steady around 95 herre...Been havin' to water almost everyday...I try to give them a little bit of foliar mist everyday too...3 got pulled today, one to the compost, the other 2 will be hash eventually...
hey thanks for dropping by my yard :hubba: your plants are looking :aok:
sorry to hearof the males tho :48:
Nice Plants bummer on the boys hope you get some good girls to raise up and cut down :D
hey, buddy...

yer plants look really nice and healthy... don't know about the bugs myself... what I do know, however, is to keep an eye out to see if the "spiders" are doing any damage to the plants... if not, leave them alone... they catch other bugs off the plant FOR you ;)

the last 3 pics are of deffinite males... the first pic is also of a male... he's just not dropping his balls yet - you can tell by the way it's growing.

notice the spacing of the nodes? - females have pretty much equedistant spacing between the alternating nodes... males have a long space, and a short distance between alternating nodes... as in yer pics:cool:
Appreciate it everyone...But Van, the spiders don't seem to be doin' any damage besides nesting and webbing up the weed...If i couldn't see them w/ my plain eye i would swear they were mites...But i'm almost positive they're spiders, some will have a touch of red to ' seemed to have alittle yellow on it...And also i'm wondering if i need to stop the sevin when they start flowering..??? I've just started hitting my babies w/ Mg Bloom Booster the day they started showing sex, which some still have yet to show...Could anyone tell me if a plant is only a few weeks-month old, will they still sex at the same time or will they not have time to even mature enough to flower??? Thanks for stoppin' by yall, c'mon back now folks :D ...
Those pics were definitely male. And, I wouldn't make too big a deal about the spiders if they're not eating the plant. They wouldn't be there unless there's something to eat, so just think of them as security.
I would definitely stop the dust at the first sign of flowering... make that the final time, as a matter of fact.

...and yank the males out of the patch right away before those pollen sacks open up... soon as you notice them on a plant :eek: YANK IT!
They've already been yanked, done spotted 2 more possible male suspects...3 coonfirmed fem. unless they hermie on me...But those males in the pics are already dry hangin up, waitin to be made into iso hashoil...I'm just wondering what the best method would be of using the entire plant...Should i water cure??? I'd been hittin 'em hard w/ the mg and i wasn't sure if it would affect it or not, hoping not...i'm not a big fan of water curing, but i've never tried it either...Just don't like the idea, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do...
Ok guys and gals, here's a quick update...I've not really got to take too many pics lately , due to being a bit paranoid...Just waitin for the Gov. to call off the force :holysheep: ...But here's the ladies :cool: ...And one dude hangin'...Gonna chop 'em up in a day or so and stash for some isohashoil ...
If anyone could answer a couple questions for me about the "paid thieves" that our beloved government sends out to ruin our precious work, I'd be very much appreciated...I'm just a little concerned and need to figure a few things out, such as if the choppers have limits to where they can search and whatnot...Enough said, Enjoy...I'll get a better update soon :D
1st girl is nearly pushing 7 ft...But i've not measured yet, just know i'm a lanky 6'0-1 or so and can't hardly reach to highest top
2nd girl is my runt...It was originally in the ground but just wasn't growing any whatsoever(my fault for not prep'n the ground properly)...But i transplanted to a 4 gal kittyLitter bucket and she has just shot up and done great!
3rd is from my first original girl that got the chop by the bunny...I rooted her back and i couldn't be happier...I'm still worried about the chance of nanners w/ this one...
4th is the newest to the family at the moment...It was an unexpected baby :rolleyes: ...I think it was the one pictured above in the white PET cup/bowl...After she got into the ground she's started bushing up a lot...I think it's gonna do reallly well considering the time it's had...
5th girl is the last of my 3 lst 'patch'...It's not the one i would've chose to keep , but it's a skunky girl...I'm a little worried about stealth/security w/ this one...If anyone has suggestions, feel free to let me know...
6th girl is my favorite...I have much expectations of her...Best smell, strongest plant...It's been very resiliant...This also was the one that i accidentally snapped in two :doh: ...IMO gardening and alcohol don't mix...I don't mix well w/ alky period :p ...
And 7th GUY hangin on the wall...
Hope Ya Enjoy Folks :D







hey toker...looking good my friend...dont worry about the choppers..they are looking for large long as you keep them low profile..choppers wont see them...I worry about nieghbors more...I only have one Ladie outside..I am an indoor grower and put clones out in spring and shut my grow down..I can't beat the Heat...but I grow way more then enough in winter..Its Hard do say this but..I have to much LOVE IT
4u2sm0ke said:
I have to much LOVE IT

My Gods I only hope that I some day I can only hope that I to can utter those hallowed words together. I am still at the paying for point where I have to whip myself if I have more than three hits in a two hour period.:holysheep:
Dam looking good man..Wish I lived in the country so I could grow some outdoor ****. Nothing beats bud grown in natural sunlight!!!

Appreciate everyone droppin' by...4u2, how i wish one day i'll have a nice indoor set-up, sittin pretty on a nice stash like you :D...I've been looking at this 400 HPS/mH growkit on HTGsupply...I've been wondering how that would work w/ the mh and hps in one ballast...But i'll have another update here soon...Still on the look-out for the choppers tho...
First 5 is my Big mama, she's showing some purplish coloring on the tops...Not sure if deficiency or the strain...Whaya think?
Next 3 are of the last of my girls i was LST'n...But out of the 3 in this plot, it's the only i neglected to top :( ...Hopefully she'll make me proud tho...
And...The last 2 are of my biggest girl in the bucket...It seems to be the more problematic of the plants, with bugs, wilting, etc...But i hope it does well...Out of all i'd say this might be the only sativa dominant plant i have, but i'm not even too sure of that...But i sure hope :D

Hope ya guys and gals ENJOY!










Sexologist420 said:
Dam looking good man..Wish I lived in the country so I could grow some outdoor ****. Nothing beats bud grown in natural sunlight!!!


I live in a metro area and I plant outdoors. You just need to get innovative, and put out like three times what you need. I only need two good females to get what I need for the year (1/4oz a week) but I put out eight (16 between my buddy and I). Most of the time landscapers smell it cutting the commercial properties, but I've gotten really good at it in the last five years or so. Look for industrial areas, generally the leave little patches of woods in between and behind their buildings. Don't for get the public parks, just pose as a jogger. There's always a river or creek somewhere, buy some waders and a fishing pole and do some shore searching. Not to mention the rooftops of abandoned buildings now that the lowryder is in the house. The side of the highway is a favorite of mine. There's lots of little patches of bushes the fuzz use to hide for speed traps, plant a few low odor girls at the opposite end. Put them in with a good three or four gallons of nice soil with all the fixins(perlite or vermiculite, lime, bone meal, dried blood) and break the hard pack layer, and forget about them until fall. The side of the highway is drainage, so uless there's a drought, they'll get plenty of water. I try to plant in places that you can't go unless it's three in the morning, that way I know no one else is getting in there. And, remember to spread em out. In a metro area there will be casualties, if there's no more than two in a spot, then chances are you'll get something.

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