Carty's Collective

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Right...? I grew them for almost 5yrs and loved them.. ran out of seeds and had over 150 strains of photo periods...
gave a bunch away down to like 50 strains... started growing them out. weird thing is, right when the wife and I started thinking about autos again, 2 offers pop up to grow them... hehe. so I do have a thread now in that section
Thanks for stopping bye... doing great. None of these are auto's, just now getting back into them, myself I love
Auto Flowering and I'm here to prove nice grows and potent plants can be had with them... hehe.
I've been thru the light wringer so to speak... the light I recommend is the Spider Farmer SF1000 for those on a budget... if that is to costly as price has gone up, then I picked up a pair of 40w LED strip lights for less then $50..
you'll see them in my tent in my Auto post I'll be creating soon ok...

Hey hey my brother, thanks for asking.. Ladybug is doing great, recovered from her neck surgery and is doing great. next we'll see if the same Dr can fix her back another Dr screwed up... MRI shows more damage he failed to fix and why she is still in pain... but, she's strong and manages to take care of us both...
Nanners with 2wks to go isn't so bad, mine must of happened early for seeds to be viable and dark... it makes the plant almost stop the production of buds and why my Oger stunted so badly.... ugh.

Glad I'll be working some new strains here over the next few grows.... a few already in this mix...
View attachment 280378
Luckily this Gorilla Glue has no issues and grows real nice.. sent her to my buddy in Hawaii and he says it's
very good GG but not GG#4... clones real ez and real nice buds... View attachment 280379

Anyone remember my LBL 'Lemon Tree Pheno' ?? about 4 or 5yrs ago I grew out a pack of LBL sent to me
directly from Loran, thanks brother... Out of them I found a lanky lady who fills in in her own sweet time and,
smells like LEMONS.. I hand pollenated her to make some beans... I have 4 left... doh.
She is dead center in this shot at my partners house, Atilla the Bud.View attachment 280380

Thank you Carty, nice to see your grow. Looking great. ☺
Hi everyone.... been a few so thought I'd do an update...

ok, I do have an Auto Flower thread going, so please, go take a look... here's a little peeksy
And, if a strain named Kermit's Finger doesn't get your attention, what does eh?
20211020_083019 (2).jpg

my own auto creation from over 5yrs back out growing them all... but she is not feminized....

Onto the photo period tent.... man are these things taking their sweet time converting to flower.... wtf



The clones are doing better... shots of them soon.... peace
Just in case anyone is missing my Auto Flowering thread.. here is what you might see over there... hehe

Gorilla Light tent with taller ceiling of 6'7" x 2 x 2.5 base...
Autos up potted.jpg
k finger.jpg
Zkittlez 1.jpg
zkittlez 2b.jpg

Cool Grow tent will be the start tent first 30 days, then move to 2nd tent, bigger light etc etc.

new babies up potted.jpg

Gelato Auto by Weedseedsexpress ... and yes, I had 4 of the 5 planted. no issues other then Mongo being to
quick, wife being a bit careless... never set baby plants on floor, even for a second... Mongo likes plants... hahaha
so here are the 3 left looking just great
gelato 1.jpggelato 2 and 3.jpg

Gomer's Su Prise
gomers su prise.jpg

2 more Upzalberry testers
Upzalberry x 2.jpg
The Zkittlez have both shown sex at wk 3... perfect for an auto IMHO... Kermit's Finger has yet to show under 18/6
and hoping she is an auto... if not off to Atilla's place to flower out and get a portion of her down the road... he is
good now about dropping off samples every 2wks of all the gear I give him.. works out great for both of us..
What would you do?

Ok.. last grow of photo periods I had a timer issue that was leaving a light on an extra 2hrs or more.. out of the 2
flowering plants, one was unaffected (My Oger Ghost cut plant) and one did not like it one bit, Starfighter x Vietnamese Black.. Now, we all know not to mess with a plant that hermie's on you and the S x VB I have no issues
walking away from them seeds, plenty of them.....

However, the Oger is not avail in seed form, and, with only getting 12 of them I'm feeling that this is to good to
just walk away from and maybe, just maybe, deserve testing.... what you says..

Oh, the best part, almost forgot.... the size of the beans compared to others..
Supersized beans.jpg
supersized beans 2.jpg
After doing this for almost 20yrs now, I've slung my fair share of pollen.. I say this because in no way am I a breeder..
Breeders choose from hundreds of plants and takes years to isolate the plant type they prefer to sell.. me, I hope to get lucky from time to time.. and have a little..

This time however I am hoping for something very special. You know how you wait forever hoping to find/create something you can be proud of, put your name to it... be the find on purpose or accident.. this one was on accident.

But it changes nothing for me really.. I don't mind taking a few risks in hopes of finding that special girl nobody else has....

So, I'm going to take these 12 big fat seeds harvested off my last Oger clone and test the crap out of them in hopes of creating............ drum roll please................ The B.O.M. (The Black Oger of Manidoog) A Pueblo God

The BOM - Carty's Oger cut of Oregon Kid fame x Starfighter / Vietnamese Black.

carty's oger avatar.jpg
So.... 2 seeds have been dropped down as testers to see what becomes of them, but hey, gotta start somewhere.

I'll veg grow these for about 2wks or more, then take them over to my bro Atilla's place to flower out under his
2000w of LED lighting.

I've never had bigger hopes or expectations of any strain I've ever played with.. the beans are the largest I've ever
seen before.. this should be a fun journey.
Love those pots bro. Where can i find them?

Hey brother... morning. I LOVE these pots.. worth every penny. Local hydro store has an el cheapo version of them for good price.. 5/1.5gal for like $18. but I really love the 2gal version that is a little taller..

You want to change your growing forever and amaze even yourself.... try this.

4 - .3 gal or 1L air pots $18.. Starter pots first 2wks
4 - 2.2 gal maXX yield air pots sold as 3gal pots.. ha.. $39 (aMazon)

But, it's a one time investment if you take care to not let them get brittle... after usage you just unroll them,
knock off the dirt. I then soak mine in the tub with a very light bleach solution.. let them soak for a day.
then, when the wife isn't home... you rinse them off and run them thru the dishwasher... walla, ready to use

Transplanting with these is the easiest pot EVER.. simply unscrew the plastic screws holding the wrapped pot
together and unwrap it slowly... I like to water night before so soil is kinda setup but not wet wet... dry it tends
to crumble as you lift it.. as you lift the plant be sure to push the bottom piece off as you lift it into it's new home.

ez pz..
Ill have to look for them when i get ready to start growing again.

Hey bro.... one thing I've found is.. for the $$ you can get same results using Felt Pots.... both are designed to do Air Trimming of the roots as they reach the pots edge to prevent root binding.. but the felt pots are much cheaper..

If I could do it perfect, this is what I'd do and someday will...

Start all seeds in RR plugs until birth..
Insert into the 1.5gal oxy pots for (Autos 1st 3wks) (photos until you flip to flower)

The awesome part is how easy it is to transplant FROM the oxy pots... most stress free up potting I've ever seen

Up Pot the final time into the 3gal felt pots...
Just a little update on things... these are mostly Auto's...


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Just to keep things updated in my main thread.... still growing Auto Flowers and loving it... my new small lights are
so impressive for the $$ I spent on them.. 2 @ 40w each x 2ft strip led light by HLUX for $38. The Zon rocks..

Check out the growth of these at just under 3wks old...
small tent sexing 4 (2).jpg

My Blue Himilaya f2 from 2012 is looking great and 3 for 3 I think on females... one more to sex in a week..
I remove the upper set of fan leaf so it exposes all the growing branches and promote better upward growth.
Blue  Himi 2 sexed today.jpg

Here is the other tent... they are at 45 and 55 days, a bit mixed.. but looking pretty good..
Zkittlez n friends.jpg
good to see your still kick'n a$$. i think i have fell in a low, and can't seem to get it right. everything right now is tiny, so i got to make changes again. may be the soil i changed to. i got to dig your addy out so i can send your package. if i can't find it i will text you.

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