Beans from Carty

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Maui Waui. 5 plants. The 2 biggest are in huge pots/raised beds. They are just vegging out.


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I'm also leaning towards N toxicity after doing some research Jan.. I'm sorry to bring this up, but this is why I quit using Jack's for weed. As my plants get flipped or show sex, I feed them N for a few more weeks and begin backing off... by the time I get to week 6 I'm barely using 1/4tsp/gal weekly.. Nitrogen is a mobile element, not all are, so the plant is easy to read regarding this element and it's needs.... yellowing from the bottom shade leaf's is lack of N... but by week 7 you want this...
Did you flush her before putting her into the ground....

Was she in a hard plastic pot or a felt pot....? dries out faster in a felt pot but prevents root lock.. but dang does that Beastie belong in a huge pot or the ground... like you did. is that red clay dirt? remember that stuff. Perlite is your friend... hehe.

Everything else looks so happy
I stop using classic jacks at flower then switch to cal mag and jacks blossom. Not at the same time water Cal mag water Blossom water. Yes I flushed her and it was wet sand. The desert here is sand. I soaked everything. Dug out a bunch of sand added a full bag of compost/seed starter. Then mixed in mykos added more sand and some happy frog, then more mykos. I loosened all the sides and the bottom. Then I back filled before dropping her in there. I also buried her deeper. I will just give water for a while and watch her. She was starting to look better in just a few hours. She was pretty green could have been all of it. Root bound, Nit tox and lights too close. I don't want to lose her. This was the only solution that could resolve multiple issues. For the next week or 2 only water. If her leaves start to yellow or get light green or striped, I will adjust nutes then.
Let's hope she likes her bed bath and beyond treatment eh? we should all be so spoiled.. go get em Jan
you ever consider using a bloom booster around week 6 thru 8 that has zero Nitrogen in it? like
PK 13/14. The Zero nitrogen would allow you to just feed the blooming side of the plant without
feeding it any N. the leaf on her looked really dark green and the clawing if you read up on deficiencies could be related to N... but as we all know can be a mix of things, even ph.. which I never check.. ever. with this pretty much being the only plant doing this, she could be stressing too...

you'll get it figured
So your using classic in flower? I've not done that. Straight bloom w the calnit n Epsom works well on flower. The calnit delivers enough N while using the bloom to keep things nice n green and provides a good dose of calcium.
I'm not totally sold on the N tox. I see no other signs and there would be a lot of yellowing, leaf loss, crispy tips and prob a cal def would show from things starting to lock out.

Stopping the classic is a good idea. But I wouldn't starve her with straight water. Bloom formula should easily off the N a bit as you go.
So your using classic in flower? I've not done that. Straight bloom w the calnit n Epsom works well on flower. The calnit delivers enough N while using the bloom to keep things nice n green and provides a good dose of calcium.
No I stop classic and switch to blossom for flower. Classic is given from age 7-10 days through the beginnings of flower. Once I see the formation on buds in autos or once I flip to flower on photos then I switch to blossom.
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I'm not totally sold on the N tox. I see no other signs and there would be a lot of yellowing, leaf loss, crispy tips and prob a cal def would show from things starting to lock out.

Stopping the classic is a good idea. But I wouldn't starve her with straight water. Bloom formula should easily off the N a bit as you go.
Not going to starve her just going to give her water for a week or so. I will watch her closely. I will know when she is hungry long before she will starve. I usually hit them with Jacks/blossom at up put what ever kind is needed for the stage the plant is in. I gave her a good flush. The fresh compost will feed her for a week or 2. 1.5 cl bag of compost went into the hole I prepared for her. I would be heart sick for sure If I lost her now. I think I caught it in time.
Ok it just got light enough for me to go check on Beadty. She looks happier. Not happy yet but less clawing on some of the upper leaves so I think she will recover. Glad I figured it out in time. Beasty is my first girl ever In ground. (That I put there.)
Does look happier outside, but I still think she's got too much Nitrogen. Not necessarily locking anything out or causing any alarm to do dumb stuff like flush🤣
But that is 100% too much N, you can see it in the leaves, theyre almost black they're so dark green and that clawing is none other than just a bit too much N.

I think if you do just water for 2 weeks like you said you're gonna do she will recover just fine and be happy.

I'd recommend getting a PK booster that contains 0 Nitrogen and feed that instead of something with Nitrogen.
m Jan
you ever consider using a bloom booster around week 6 thru 8 that has zero Nitrogen in it? like
PK 13/14.
I'd recommend getting a PK booster that contains 0 Nitrogen and feed that instead of something with Nitrogen.
Hate to kick the dead horse, but this is my exact feelings too... the reason I got away from Jacks years ago was due to the high 10 ratio in the bloom. the 20-20-20 for veg is perfect if you can get it dailed to about 13-13-13 strength, proven perfect for Marijuana.
The creator of Celtic Stone, Deadvet, used the most simple method. Miracle Grow soil, seaweed extract tea during veg, and calmag. at week 6 he added pk13/14, no N as you can see. fed this twice a week for 2wks.
that's it.
I got away from the FoxFarm 3 part bloom for the same reason.. and their numbers are crazy high.. when you do your research, these numbers are perfect for flowers and especially perennials that just drop flowers and add more over and over... this plant needs N all the time. not weed. You actually want the plant to begin showing a slight N deficiency week 8 on a 10wk strain.. the yellow will climb up the plant, I think this is pretty. and don't pluck the leaf's off people.. hahaha.

I think she looks healthier already.. Ever try using your bloom foods at 1/4 strength. It would lower your nitrogen to 2.5. and remember, it could just be she's sensitive to N.. every plant is different and 99% of yours are very healthy Jan...
She may have too if she was not that big. I think I over fed her because of her size and the undersized pots she was in she has been up potted 4 times I think. Started in a 1 was moved to a 2 then a three and now I put her in the ground. I will have to grow her outside from now on I guess. I am not sure how seeded she is. You cant really tell yet but she was hit with pollen multiple times. A few branches.
Jan, I can already see the upper leaf material beginning to uncurl... she grew so fast, bet the N had a wee bit to do with that. Hmm? maybe we are onto something here... Jan's secret to Monster plant, she knows Jack.
go gettem girl
The second group I start in July to go out in August, will just be Beast mode I only have 6 seeds. Unless I get more from her which was the plan. Her seeds may not be ready. I am not sure how long she flowers for but the scope will tell me when it is time. May do a few WW X Beast mode. We will see I can grow thru mid Dec before we freeze. Sometimes thru almost Christmas. Usually sometime between 10th and 21st of Dec before we freeze. If they are in pots I can put them in on the porch at night. I think the will be done way before that. I will start the last group to start in July. Aug 1st I want them all outside. I have 8 almost done and will be bringing them in to process soon. Sometime in the next 2 Saturdays.. They are starting to amber but are only like under 5 %. I like 25 at least. Like I said The scope will say when it is time.

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