this dont look good

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hi everyone. how is everyone today.:)
im feeling very sad indeed. take a look at my babies. they are not looking to well at all. ive flushed them. but they still not happy. i think i figured out what went wrong. i reckon the 400watt hps light was too low. i only left them under the fluos for 2 weeks. i also think the soil was a bad thing too. ive since ordered some canna proffesional plus mix. it says it hasnt got any added foodies. so that should be better. ive also ordered a 200watt blue spectrum fluo bulb with reflective hood from ebay. so i reckon they will like them better too. how long do you think i could veg them under that new 200watt?
also this is a picture of my cat. :giggle: hes been sitting next to me too long. i think hes well wasted!:ccc:
Poor baby's. I can't tell maybe someone will come along who knows.
good luck not much green left..what is the PH run off? those look like crap man..Im sorry..we need some good soil..and propper PH water..Mark it up as learning curve huh?

cat looks fine
what kinda soil????? if that was caused from light being to close you might try misting your plants with just ph'd water and they will probally make it.. but if that is causeed from something else say the soil or over nutes then we will try something different...
they wont start looking any better till they have new growth ,,,,how close did you have the hps ?
you can veg a plant for as long as you want :peace:
it is soil from my local garden centre. and ive also fed them a weak feed of nutes. nightmare i know:doh: i feel like :cry:
I'm thinking probably a combination of too hot and nute burn. However, they look rather small to me for having spent 2 weeks under fluoros. If I were you, I would start over...
thats to close for seedlings, 18-24 inches from seedlings or do the hand test , put you hand between you light and right on top of your plant, no burning or stinging you should be fine... and no, i dont want my girlfriend grow weed like you just yet... get em green bro.... sorry i see you are a female grower so let me say sister!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah thats what im thinking. im so fed up . my new seeds arrived yesterday. blueberry. im just gonna start 2 babies. and ill start a grow journal too. im just waiting for my soil to come. the lights should arrive monday. i cant wait :aok: to start again, fresh start an all .
yep to young for nutes and the hps was to near to start with for seedlings
if using hps for seedlings i have them at least 24-30 inches away to start with and there hasnt been to much stretch ,,,you can see them in my journal ,,
i would definatley go with flos or cfls for vegging :peace:
i dont blame you. who wants their girlfriend to grow yellow crispy dead weed. err, not me, that was funny tho mr gray!... i am trying to grow em green. trying very hard indeed!
i wish i had a girlfriend..cause then i would show her to will be your friend.
dont worry all mashed up ,,,we all have disaters at some point ,,,my first plants i ever tried to grow ended up just like your s but all the help on the forum meant i managed to get a good harvest ,,,goodluck:peace:
aahhhhhh a new begining...Best of luck to you GIRLFRIEND
use these for you learning curve,,,, Thats what I did, my first two plants went through hell and back, yes they at one point looked like yours, straight water for a few, she will bounce back, i hardly had any green at all on mine and they grew to 27 inches when they were harvested,

they were my "learning curve" plants.... then when you got em stable and growing for awhile, then go ahead and start your bluberry and you wont or shouldnt make the same mistakes with the quality genetics...

dont trash em, try to bring em back, it will be a learning experince.JMO
alright, and just some points of interest,and this is just my thoughts,most problems with MJ, is caused by the grower, to much or to little care is bad for MJ, find a style of growing that you like and stick-too-it..... this plant pertty much grows-itself, ijust feed and provide light....
thanks for all the good luck wishes. i definatly need em.well when i start my seeds of sometime next week. you all hopefully can follow it, and give me lots of advice. then i might be able to get some green babys goin. not yellow crispy dead stuff. do you all think if i brought a water filter jug thing , that would improve my water enough?

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