this dont look good

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i use UK water just leave it out for 24 hrs and it works just fine ,,,:peace:
you could allways collect rain water instead we have pleanty of it :p
yeah super idea ukgirl. i might buy a water butty thing. and correct we have lots of rain to collect. yes i like that idea lots. i will still have to check the ph tho wont i. i never checked it at all last grow i did. i find the ph thing well hard to understand. maybe its just me bein a dim wit.
i havnt ever tested my self and i wont try untill i have to lol ,,i agree with the ph thing ,,finding it hard to grasp ,,,but so far so good ,:peace:
allmashedup said:
yeah super idea ukgirl. i might buy a water butty thing. and correct we have lots of rain to collect. yes i like that idea lots. i will still have to check the ph tho wont i. i never checked it at all last grow i did. i find the ph thing well hard to understand. maybe its just me bein a dim wit.

yes you still need to check PH..and UKgirl...if you dont check PH how do you know its fine? JMT..some rain water is PH 8 JMO
i use rain water, all i do to it is filter it into my 5 gallon water bottles. i always ph any and all water that i give to my plants for the simple reason that if anything happens i at least know its not a ph problem which i think cause most problems in MJ...
4u2sm0ke said:
yes you still need to check PH..and UKgirl...if you dont check PH how do you know its fine? JMT..some rain water is PH 8 JMO

cause my plants are looking fine ,,no problems ,,so i figure if it aint broke dont fix it :peace:
ive brought a ph water test kit from ebay. god i love ebay. then i was looking at something called a buffer. yeah i might have some of that i thought. god knows what it is but i thought i best have some. then i looked at some ph up. and ph down. that was it . i was well confused. ill do more reading on it, i wonder if they sell instructions on e bay.:p .
Yo Ho allmashedup,
Please don't feel bad. Instead consider what Edison said when asked about failing over 2000 times to make a light. He said that he didn't fail, instead he found over 2000 different ways how NOT to make a bulb.

Point is you are not a defeatist, and if you ask around most of us have goofed things from the very git go too. I know I sure have, and still do all
the time.
I do hope that the beans were not super rare, and hard to come by.
I'm betting that you will pick up on what gettinggray1964 said about it. It is almost always the grower that messes it up.

sheeesh ain't it the truth ???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see your next efforts, and betting that you'll get a bumper crop to be proud of my friend.

smoke in peace
thanks u2smoke. i will have a look for a nearby shop. and hopefully there will be a nice guy that works there. to try and explain it a little more. it all seems gobble de gook. im like ukgirl. i never checked it last grow.and it went ok, probally beginners luck tho. i know i need to get my head around it.
thanks kingkahuuna, i really liked that edison quote about the light bulb. im impressed. whats that they learn something new everyday... COOL! i wished i could learn to grow some green ganja. that also would be COOL!
thats what i thought budisgood. i suppose i was bein inpatient , i was thinking the quicker i got em under the 400watt the faster they would grow. you know like what steroids do for muscle men. the light would do for my plants. wrong! it fried them. im sooo mad wit myself. i did do the hand test thing and they wasnt i thought they be ok.
you only need small wattage flourescents with a cold white bluish spectrum at those size plants ,plus put the flourescents about an inch away from the tops :)

good aquarium/hydroponics shops sell the best flourescent lights,relativly cheap too :)

make sure you spray the leaves a few times a day too :)
From one girl grower to the other... You are fine... I start my seeds in Jiffy pellets... they work really good, strong seedlings!!!! I use lights I got at, they are workin really well!!! No heat, so I am not worried about burnin the house down, or ventilation other than an ocsillating fan!!! I used scott's potting soil, mixed with perlite, I use chicken crap for my my fertilizer(cause I just love chickens, and they love weed, it is a workin relationship) and use spray-n-grow on the foliage in between... I am chompin at the bit my should start pre-flower any day, no signs of males yet!!!! Hang in there chica, you'll work it out!!! I would put up a pic but I am too cheap to buy a dig camera :)

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