Seed bank says germ in baggie will kill seed

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incorrigible reprobate
Aug 27, 2007
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Kinda pissed about this, hoped to hear other opinions.

Recently placed an order with Hemp Depot in Canada. Recieved the beens quickly, put them in wet paper towels on a plate, stuck the plate in a ziplock baggie. After about 30 hrs 60% of the seed cracked shell - then stopped and died.

An almost matching order was placed with Dr C and the exact same treatment given the seed. The seeds germinated in around 10-12 hours and all are happily growing like demented banchees on crack.

Same paper towels, same baggies, same filtered water, same temp for all, same - same - same... No variation between the 3 strains germed.

I wrote Hemp Depot and politely suggested that maybe I had been sent old seed by accident. Their response to the matter was:

"Sorry to hear of your problem. I hope you realize, that if a seed cracks open, it is viable. If it goes no further, environment is the cause.

Not all seeds react the same way, to any given environment. What has worked well for some, may not work for all. Some will be resistant to disease, others will not be. Damping Off disease has been running rampant the last year or so.

Sealing things up in a baggie, can often cause damping off disease, or any number of things that could be on the seed coat (shell). By sealing them up, there is no fresh air, a great place for rot or disease.

Did you read our disclaimer, prior to ordering?"

The problem is: I have germinated seed this exact same way for over THIRTY years now without any problems at all. In my opinion, wet paper towels in a warm baggie does NOT kill seed!

I know all about 'damping off' and the need for proper air circulation. I also know exactly what old and/or invaliable seed does - it cracks shell and dies, almost every time, eh?

What do you guys think? Bad seed or bad germinating technique?

An old hippy's money is a terrible thing to waste...
I read in a magazine of mine, a man puts the seeds in the paper towel in between two paper plates on top of eachother. I have mine germinating right now in a ziplock, I always have but thanks for the heads up, I'll try the paper plate Idea.
Super Sativa Club??? ARE old..;)
I've never had any problems like that (mind you, I've started maybe 50 seeds), I germ in a ziplock with damp papertowel. Bad seeds? :confused2:
yeah i always germ in paper towl on a plate then with another plate on top of that an hav always had %100 germination rate except for the seeds i got just the other day from dr chronic they were dutch passion femz an not one of them germinated iam spuing cozz i paid good money for em to dam it
Bad seed or substandard genetics being passed off as good ones IMO. They say no fresh air...mine only stay in the bag for 12 hrs. Germ everytime.
wow thats crap, and HD is expensive too! I scoped out their stuff before ordering from Peakseeds. 8 of 10 germed straight from soil... for only 30 bucks. go figure :/
me thinks that maybe this 1 time u contaminated the ingredients u used to germinate with. perhaps a used baggie, or chlorinated h2o, or any other reason involving a few items.
I think they are just passing the buck in a business where there isn't exactly a "Better Business Bureau", if you catch my drift. Who can you complain to, really?.... Take your money elsewhere. I believe they sold you old stock.....
Send them the link to this thread, they may change their mind about stiffing you, I know I won't be going there (pending wife approval, that is :)
Yeah, strike Hemp Depot. I have to remember that next time I buy seeds.
:cool: I've also always germed with paper towel and never have had a problem. Now I'm worried.:eek: I just got in some Lowryder from Dr.Chronic and was going to germ my usual way, paper towel method! That is the best method correct?:confused:
It's the method I used... seeds broke ground tonight (like 1/2 inch, no leaves... its cool though).
i ordered from the same dudes man-WW x Skunk#1. not one seed germed.paper towel in sealed
bag method.
not happy...
ITs amazing you guys are getting 100% germination. I'm assuming these are on seeds you purchased? Right now I'm going at like 2% germination rate, but they are street bud seeds.
LOL- glad to see this thread- I've been having the same problems with germination and wondered if they were getting too warm.
Also, I read somewhere about blowing into the bag to inflate it before sealing, like a ballon.
certainly bad seed, ive had some do the same thing recently, baggie/paper towel method.. cracked open, even had some white showing, but would go no further, no tails would sprout.. seeds were harvested too early from mother or are too old and lost they're vigor. I wont be going to hemp depot ever.

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