rockwool light question!!!!help

  • Thread starter albasketball3424
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I germinated my seeds using the paper towel method and all of them had tap roots. I placed 10 seeds in a 1.5 inch rockwool cubes and placed under a light. i soaked each rockwool cube in water. It has been 2 days and nothing has really happened. should there be a stem coming up?I have them under 18 hour light, is this to much light?do i just need to have more patience.

also i broke open one of the rockwool cubes that i placed a seed in and it was pretty wet so it was getting water to the tap root.

Hopefully anyone with rockwool cube advice can shoot me straight!!!!
It could be that they're stuck..
For rock wool, I would've waited until the sprouts 'lose' the seed hat, because it doesn't use any light until then, and it's less likely they'll get stuck. How far down are they in the rock wool? Did you soak the rock wool (with ph adjusted water) before you put the seeds in?
your supposed to wait until they start to grow out of the rockwool then give them light.
I soaked the rockwool with brita leave them out of light???
getting them used to their new environment fast is pretty crucial i think. I just planted mine in dirt but too deep 5". I got impatient and dug them up they had sprouted but were going sideways like they had no idea which wat to go:):) i had just finished my hydro setup and took the seed caps off of the little guys (i cant stress delicacy for this) then put them in rock wool to hide the majority of root, after 1 day they had turned green from white and opened up. Im not sure if i would recommend this to you, but it worked for me i just happened to be transferring to hydro and was probably impatient but they are looking good today.
I'm only in the beginning of my 2nd grow here - so no expert by any means - but I have started 30-40 seeds the way you did with minimal problems with them sprouting. Those that didn't were too far down, so I learned to tear off a little bit of the side of the rockwool and stuff it in the hole before I put my seed in. That way I know that it's not going to fall further - some of those holes can be pretty big!

I put mine directly under the lights - fluoros - whether you're supposed to or not. I also use a seedling heating mat under my container. Do you have one of these? I would recommend it if you don't. Seeds germinate best when the soil (or rockwool in this case) is between 78-80 degrees, so if it's too cold it'll take longer.

It could just be in the genetics of your seeds too...

Good luck!
I have mine inside in a closset with a heater running so it is pretty warm...Where i live just got a foot of snow....It seems like they haven't really done anything in the last couple of days..I can see little tap roots but they haven't grown any bigger yet.
I orginally had them under a 60w bulb but haven't been giving them light lately

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