Random Thought Thread

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When something falls, it falls because of gravity. Because that object feels a force, it accelerates, which means its velocity gets bigger and bigger as it falls. The strength with which the Earth pulls on something in the form of gravity is a type of acceleration. Earth pulls on everything the exact same amount. Everything gets accelerated towards the Earth exactly the same way. The force that objects feel may be different because they have different masses, but the acceleration on Earth they experience is exactly the same. Weight is the force that acts on the mass due to gravity, because it is how much stuff there is times the acceleration at which is pulled towards the Earth, or any planet or moons. Because Earth gives everything the exact same acceleration, objects with different masses will still hit the ground at the same time if they are dropped from the same height.
why can’t it be explained in terms of density and weight?

I jump and I fall because I am 200 lbs and heavier than air
Radio astronomy points around the world measure the distance to the moon. Not only are they incredibly accurate they are used to calculate drift. Drift outward is around 3 cm a year.

aid the earth was flat difference between the center of the flatness to the edge of flatness would be over 2000 miles. But it isnt
We wouldn't have any oceans. They would have drained over the edge unless someone built a huge fking dam.😁

cue up the Ice Wall photos




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