Crash Journal

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I managed to sneak out to the attic and tape one end of the room. I had almost an hour before my coworkers started harassing me on Slack and I had to reply with plaster all over my hands. Now my phone has mud on it : )

18 days growth...

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Ya know ya got some good growth when ya have to jack up the temp gauge on the

Cool as hell to watch these blow up.
I moved the hydrometer up, and potted the two rooted clones. The angle isn't great, but those are 1.5 gallon pots. Both clones are from the bigger freak. I have two more almost ready to go also from the bigger freak. The three cuttings I have for the smaller one are so far not rooting. Not sure I care since the other one is growing so much faster. Anyway, as soon as the cones get a little size I will reverse one to pollinate the other.

I realized too late that I don't have any male Supafreak pollen or plants. So I'm going back to the poor quality seeds and hoping some of them pop and at least one is a male. I will put some in water to soak tonight or tomorrow. It will be funny if the only ones I can get to pop are female : ) I'll make some more clones as well, so I have something to pollinate when the males are ready.

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CrashMagnet your grow is going great. Love the video effect. She is just 18 days that's wonderful growth. Have fun.
CrashMagnet your grow is going great. Love the video effect. She is just 18 days that's wonderful growth. Have fun.
The plant is older than that. I just started the recording from 18 days ago. Supafreaks tend to grow pretty slow, especially when they are seedlings...
The plant is older than that. I just started the recording from 18 days ago. Supafreaks tend to grow pretty slow, especially when they are seedlings...
Thanks I started my next grow earlier than I would have I want my freaks to get enough veg time before the Sun flips them Second week of July.
I will be starting them in plugs this time as Its been colder than normal in my house right now. I am having trouble getting them to grow once germinated. I tried a heating mat on 1 but the cats bumped it up to 6 and killed half my Grimm seeds. It was ok It gave me a chance to start more Maui’s Beast. I also found a photo period purple Maui’s Beast. Yay
My selfed maui still has pollen but no seeds She is going outside with the others There are 2 babies I just started flowering. The purple one is a dead give away. I only had one girl that gets purple.
I think my seedling SFs are in 50 degree temps most of the time. I wonder if that's why they are growing so slow. Of course, that's what the one I just flipped started in, and it was a female. I wonder if temperature has any impact on whether they are females. I know it's not strictly genetic.

Oh, here's what I did with my last male. Wish I had collected some pollen now.


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