Imaged titled "they had so much hope"dates July 2019.... Sigh
actually have to make the inital post short cause I gotta shower and sleep I was up all night comparing all the seed sellers in my country I could find for something to try to start next week as a backup/project 2.
Anyways (sorry for any grammer or confusios had a stroke 3 years ago) never injested much but with my country legalizing a while ago I decided this spring to try to grow some CBD Critical Mango from growerschoiceseeds out of Cali.
I wanted a truely high CBD strain to take any issues with anxiety/paranoia that has turned me off of all but the smallest tokes over my life and because we can buy full spectrum CBD capsules here now and they really are... well something.., elbow grease, left handed hammer etc. So I may be in the whole CBD craze but the little bit ive tried has killed any anxiety (and im almost done taking benzos after years of it and it leading ultimatly to my stroke from a detox seizure down the stairs) only in capsule form from the good ol government, which I guess is "full spectrum" la de dah. My dog has some capsules from some other companies showing up tomorrow to compare B) The bulk produced not so often lab tested CBD cappsules vs C) reccomended reddit searching for the best 2 vendors to try "non full spectrum CBD oil" and compare it to A) the last few suppliers from disps which has been amazing everytime I've gotten some (legalization daym and a couple othjer times but supply has been stupid low cause its cool now or else people are finally realizing they are generally "well being" chemicals and are just draining supply.
So I decided to grow my legal amount of plants and got the CBD Critical Mango noted above to start pinching the cost issue in the bud since I'm on disability after the stoke and even 3-4 plants wdone half-craped will last me forever especially made into edibled or oils. Also I really _want_ to learn. Since my stroke I've stopped doing everything I used to enjoy to fill every waking minute of mylife. Now its just Eat/TV/Sleep and ugh Drink to get through the days, Except when I splurge on some cannabinoid oil then happy happy happy.
I ordered April 8th of this year (2019) and I beleive I had them all 3 wet-paper towel germ'ed in the great 24-48 hours and put in some various containers I had sitting around the house with (my first mistake) dense garden soil fthat was the cheapest 1.99/50lbs from Superstore.
They went on great as far as my knowledge went (about none, and its still very very minimal due to my issues researching due to the accident causing blindness in both eyes and memory issues (which actually isnt bad tonight considering I stayed up all night and day searching every bank I could and sorting out the post-legalization-junk from the real jems and basically came down to... I made the right choice with the CND Critical Mango. Due to my current issues and also after recently trying some regular herb from the store, even low THC and moderate CBD stuff I cant smoke mostly anything. More than 0.06125gr without getting totally paranoid is impossible unless its a lucky strain or high CBD to kill the inner brain effects. Like I said I've beeen shy/anxious etc. my whole life and this plant has always turned that into a near panic attack with anymore than a puff or two.
Now I look at the CBD Critical Mango a second ti0me and im worried 1:1 THC/cannabinoids may be too much for me, of course thats so dependant on so many things and ive considered buying some but was hoping to just taste my plants since I dont "need" to smoke. Just the right cannabinoid strain really makes any issues I have with my brain/life/health anything a heck-of-a-boat-load better. Truely is magic snake oil of the gods.
---------------- THE PROBLEM AKA TL:BUT ILL READ THIS ---------------
So now to the BIG issue as far as I'm condenered is I did the math just this friday night or last night or whatever and its been 140 odd days or soemthing since germination and while I've seen nodes and finally some bud sites (I think I'm still noob level 1000 only my growing up gardening in the country has helped a bit) recemt;y as I've had them outside for half of summer after starting inside with a 600-1000 effective watt amazon grow light (cant even remember off the top of my head, draws 50 watts each in Bloom and Veg so a max of 100W or so with both on (which I did up until recently).
There has been some stress for sure being repotted at least 2 times and one girl 3 (who was going to die but finally crawled back). At least with all the time I've learned to take clones no problem I have a bunch sitting in my cloning chamber right now cause I just did my first "ok lets hack some old leaves off" pruning (again I havnt researched much of anything other than the basics of the plant structure, life cycle, lighting and temp.)
I MAY have had the pH around a 5.5-5.8 level for most of the latter 60% of the grow, the pH meter i bought is well.. weird and I have to actually try using the calibration powders one day to get it going properly, and learn a bit better about the best way to test soil and hydration substanceses pHs')
I've had some leaves die especially once the girls got as tangled as the 1970s Playboy nudes. A bit of leaf tip death (1-5mm) on probably 25% of the leaves, especailly the older ones because I never pruned until well day 150 or whatever it is this weekend. Figured I'd let nature take its course and not being an auto I know things can vary and I've read/heard that April planting can be August/september harvest, not to mention I've induced stress a few times and had plain black muddy dirt for the first month or two until I finally got some "Pro Gro Orchid Mix" mixed with a lot of extra coco coir and random nature stuff like leaves especially any that got dead spots cut/fell off/got pruned.
I'm mostly scared to prune because I dont know exactly where the bud sites are supposed to be on well, basically any strain or family and then I've been FIM'ing on and off at the top growth of each branch.
Other than that got timer going fine I think (currently about 14 On from sunrise to just around sunset roughly. I lost my timer a few times too so it was never consistant, although for vegging I had at least my 100W at-the-wall LED light on 18-24 hours a day and from time to time I've had ventilation. Changing from black dirt to "orchid mix" I thik has been the best choice for them so far. We'll see with pruning once I learn to actually do that. And then I'd like to monster and mother and such, cant afford many fem'd seeds on my income and I have a spare bedroom with nothing in it expect my current grow table/fan/light.
I probably should have done 1 plant with my setup too not 3 I think im definitly under lighting them as well as even the 1 gallon cloth bags they finally got moved into are abit small I think, roots are all the way around them when I moved from my "tupperware + herb keeper" grow to actual 1gal grow bags I could see they were alot happier. I hope the little bit of (almost totally random) pruning helps as well as the fairly recent switch to TIMED 12 on 12 off light cycle and now back indoors for consistanmcy with temperature and humidity etc.
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