ok here we go, lets see what we can grow

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maintenance day. moving plants, changing/cleaning reservoirs etc. i have 15 plants left from the original 22 seeds put in paper towel a month ago. i have moved them to a better lit area. there was a bit of stretching due to inadequate light in thier last spot. they have adjusted well. i am expecting sex to be showing soon and then they will be flipped to 12/12. i might just cut clones now and flip them and toss any junk that needs to be tossed later. they seem to be happy in the new yellow room :) . here is a couple pics in the new room. remember, i suck at taking pictures.
the plants down in the right hand corner is a tub of clones, the plants are in the table and the other unit and i included a trich shot cuz we all like a good trich shot:D . happy growing.

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flipping the girls tonight:) . took 1 more weakling out of the bunch and now have 14 plants left. 12 of them show female preflowers and the other 2 nuthin yet. i took some clones from them all(except for two), between 2-5 per plant. i put them in my sad a$$ excuse for a bubbler:eek: so i have lots to choose from when these are finishing. as these finish i can see what plants i am going to grow again and remove/keep appropriate clones. all has been good in the garden. i have been monitoring the ph regular and just watching them grow. it is easy to see the different strains. here are a few pics, they are 37 days from germination.
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NICE plants bud... I hope you get a lots of girls to flower out...

Happy Growing!:cool:
hey there fruity and dirty thanks for stopping in. everything seems green enough and coming along well. hoping all the ones left are female. if there is any sign of hermies as i go they will be removed and destroyed(smoked if late enough).i would like to get a nice strong male tho from each strain for breeding purposes but i dont think its gonna happen. started with a few seeds and no males yet. thanks again for stopping in. happy growing.
well i now got to do some moving around. they are growing like crazy and there is not enough room so i will have to rig somethin up tomorrow for them. i think i am gonna split them in half and grow 7 in each room. here is a couple pics as soon as lights went out tonight and when they get up tomorrow i will move them and do a final sex inspection to make sure they are all girls. i dont think the other room is gonna be pretty cuz it is gonna be on the cheap but it will do i hope lol. till tomorrow....

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there is a pic of bud that snapped her stalk. im keeping her going cuz shes got a few seeds for me that are soon ripe. happy growing.
thanks fruity and HL, i appreciate the kind words. green is a happy place to be compared to some alternatives. i did a bit of work today rigging up a room quick with some spare parts but i think it will do for now. i am going to soon open a bigger flower room(5 x 10 with 2000w hps) and use one of these closets for mothers and the other for a veg room. i managed to get 2 400w mh hung up in the extra room which is about 3 1/2 ft x 4ft. i made sur they are all girls and for now all 14 show female flowers. i know that hermies can like to appear late in flowering so i am gonna keep an eye on them. not bad:) i started with 22 seeds, 1 didnt germinate, 2 more didnt get to the first set of leaves leaving me with 19. early on i removed 4 struggling, weaker looking seedlings bringing me down to 15 and just a few days ago i tossed one more cuz it wasnt up to par. that leaves me with the 14 i have now and all of them are showing female:eek: :holysheep: :hubba: :D . i did not have the time today to trim them up a bit or tie them down either but i will be doing that tomorrow and will have a few more pics to show then. so far so good.till tomorrow, here are some pics of the girls/move/female parts/new room etc in no particular order. i got camera happy, sorry.

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camera happy hehe thats me i end up takeing millions of pic (ok not millions) and have to sit a the computer 4 hours picking witch 1 i like anyway nuf about me your girl look great they are going to be huge
nice and green like always:)
thanks for keeping an eye on it fruity, the more eyes the better. makes it easier to spot problems that way.i dunno about green as always lol but i am happy to have them green right now. they seem like they are going to be big, they have been growing now for about 40 days total from seed. going to get in there and tie them down today a little later on after the kids go to school and i can go play uninterrupted. a little lst never hurt no one. i will post a couple before and after pics later on right now i got to go pack lunches :). happy growing.
ok, i got the girls in the one room tied down and im gonna let the other room go freestyle for now all in hopes of getting the new room set up but it could still take a week or two. the first four pics are the one room before and after the bending. i will be in there again in a couple days to adjust them, this is just the first bending. i will let them settle in a bit them do a bit more. the next one is of one of the monsters all tied up and loving it. the next is some clones taken a few days ago... lookin good and the last two pics are of the other closet. there are a few different types in there lmao. the one in the back left corner is gonna be crazy. i have seen it before and it grows to an insane size but the buds are small.... but very juicy:hubba: . worth keeping around and getting the potency of that one into one of these other monsters;) . anyway, happy growing :48:
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well, i am going to lose use of the camera for a while so the updates will be picless for a bit but thats ok cuz after a week or so there should be noticeable difference since this has been just the first week of flowering. the last shots i got suck but im puttin them up anyway:) . i included the pic of the clones just to show how they are at 7 days after being cut from the plants in this thread. i gave them a 20% shot of nutrients today cuz my stoned brain thought it was a good idea. if there are any comments/observations/suggestions about anything please let me know. i think things are going ok for now and am hoping for a problem free grow.... hoping:) . the girls are adjusting nicely to the tieing?:confused: down and are turned back up towards the light and lookin to be be tied again soon. i am gonna have to do some bending in the other room as well but im not gonna tie them down, just bend. they are definitely going through the stretch phase right now. until next time... happy growing.

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i managed to sneak a few pics in today when the girls were waking up. not much to report, all is good for now. i have been in twice since the last post to retie and again reconfirm sex. all 14 are still showing female only but only time will tell. i have pics of the 2 closets. there are 7 plants in each room. if things dont look proper to you please let me know, the more eyes the merrier and the easier to spot problems. 9 days into flowering and they are starting to show some shape. this is the time i hate most, right between vegging and flowering.

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i was also wondering if anyone reading this uses/used or knows someone who used mycorrhizae?
ta2dguy said:
that leaves me with the 14 i have now and all of them are showing female:eek: :holysheep: :hubba: :D .

I'm confused--you are using hermie seeds--why are you surprised that they are all female?
hi there THG, how are you. thanks for stopping in, i appreciate your question. I get surprised like that almost every time i try something and it works:eek: :) . my surprise comes more from the reason that these seeds were all bred using the pollen of a male plant not a reversed female(forced or natural):confused: . i am assuming that the male carried hermie traits from either its mother or father(they maybe the same:eek: ) lol.there is a strain in there that tends to turn hermieish:rolleyes: later in flowering and i will be removing it again if/when it rears its ugly head. the seeds carrying that strain are the only ones i have right now that are going hermie. i have almost got that strain completely removed now after a long time of poor tracking of seeds. i dont know if i answered your question well or not, maybe i sparked more questions:confused2: .

i hope you have a good day THG:48: . happy growing.
Hi ta2 see ya using a massive reflector is its the vert hung bulb type same as mine if so they is great.

Btw your plants look superb fella.

hey there plan-b thanks for the comment. they are lookin good for now and thats what counts. yeah i think we got the same reflector, at least in one room ,which is a horizontal with a 1000w in it and avent hole in the top but the one in the other room is 2 odd reflectors Red Greened together with 2 400watters in it hung vertically for now:). you are right the one is huge lmao but it does a fantastic job of light direction especially in that little closet i got it stuck in. they could do with more space and will be soon(expansion in the works) but for now it is what it is. thanks again for stopping in, happy growing.
it is another fine day. the girls are green, i still got a camera for now and life is good. day 10 into flowering and it is like watching paint dry right now(agonizing). dont get me wrong, i love every minute of it but i am a very impatient person and i wanna see buds now dammit lmao. i went snap happy this morning as soon as the girls were waking up. they still look green(i get very worried about the green issue :)), and i went and tied/shifted things around a little more. i got a few pics here...

1. is the girls as soon as the light went on:) 2. is the light they wake up to 1000watts in an awesome reflector 3+4. the 2 rooms pictured side by side 5. i dont have small hands;) 6. a cute little young bud starting 7. lotsa light up top, little down below 8. a shy little thing 9 its just a pic:eek: 10. the rigged up reflector and 2 x 400w 11. the nice way she turns back for the light ..... too many:confused: , im sorry:) .

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well it looks like my work is cut out for me today. as feared, the breeding of unstable genetics has given me a strain of naturally occuring hermies. it is a shame cuz they grow huge fast. there is not enough thc on the plants this early to bother trying to keep them for the trash/hash pile so i am going to pull all my plants out today, search them good and toss all junk. here is a couple pics of the culprit. a far away shot, a bit closer, even closer and then the old one nut shot lol.

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