Island Of Misfits

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Why do people think I just fell off s turnip truck? I got a message yesterday I won 500000 dollar from some schmo that said he won the lottery. All I have to do is give him 200 bucks to activate my winnings. SCAM do dumbasses really fall for this shit?
You would be surprised how many ppl fall for that bullshit. Very sad. Mostly the elderly.
Morning gang. Wife’s yelling at the kids. Dogs acting stupid. Life is normal 😂.
My Grampa died this morning. Glad I was able to go yesterday. He went down fast. Which seems to be the preferred way to go. Watched my sister do down slow over a few years and that’s no way to die.
He was running strong until about 10 days ago.
Nicest arsehole you’d ever meet. That was my Grampa. Took pride in being a rude sumBitch But he had a heart of gold too.

Gluing the hinges on the Citabria flaps this morning. House smells like a perm. That 5 minute epoxy is some hot stuff 😂
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Why do people think I just fell off s turnip truck? I got a message yesterday I won 500000 dollar from some schmo that said he won the lottery. All I have to do is give him 200 bucks to activate my winnings. SCAM do dumbasses really fall for this shit?
I'm still waiting for my 50K from a Nigerian Prince.
Morning gang. Wife’s yelling at the kids. Dogs acting stupid. Life is normal 😂.
My Grampa died this morning. Glad I was able to go yesterday. He went down fast. Which seems to be the preferred way to go. Watched my sister do down slow over a few years and that’s no way to die.
He was running strong until about 10 days ago.
Nicest arsehole you’d ever meet. That was my Grampa. Took pride in being a rude sumBitch But he had a heart of gold too.

Gluing the hinges on the Citabria flaps this morning. House smells like a perm. That 5 minute epoxy is some hot stuff 😂
Condolences brother!
Why do people think I just fell off s turnip truck? I got a message yesterday I won 500000 dollar from some schmo that said he won the lottery. All I have to do is give him 200 bucks to activate my winnings. SCAM do dumbasses really fall for this shit?
The sad part is, yes. Yes they do fall for it.

A sucker is born every minute
How many sides does a coin have... two, right? Heads and tails. Wrong! The coin's edge is also a side. It is a three-dimensional object. So, things are not always what we are taught or told growing up. There are several perspectives of the same thing
When I was a kid, my Grandma told me a story about this man that had a shotgun shell, took the pellets out, and stuck a frozen hot dog in the shell. She then tells me, "That fool loaded it into the shotgun, and shot that frozen weenie right through his foot!"
I had a shirttail cousin that took the bullets off of a bunch of .22 long rifles and was chasing his wife around the house shooting her in her ample fanny. Unbeknownst to him, she had gotten into an altercation with one of the neighbors while he was at work and had loaded one of his six shooter with live rounds.
Long story short, Jessie was sitting in his lazyboy in his underwear, a Stetson on his head and his dual holsters strapped on, watching Bonanza on the TV . One of the bad guys pulled a gun on Little Joe, so Jessie did a quick draw. Yep. Blew the screen right outta his television. He said the last thing he heard before it started smoking was Hoss saying, "I think ya gottem, Joe."
Back in the 90"s during my decade of decadence, I had been drinking beers and decided to grill something. So, I pulled out some Ballpark Franks to thaw, and got busy cleaning the grill.

I had just gotten the charcoal dumped in and was fixin' to squirt it with lighter fluid, when my drinking buddy dropped in for a visit. He asked me, "Whatcha grilling?" I told him, "Hotdogs." He laughed and said, "Hotdogs?! Pa-too! How about we go raid my Dad's freezer, and grab a few steaks?" I was like, "Hell yeah, let's go!"

So we jumped in his truck, and drove out to his Dad's cattle ranch. Once inside his house, we accessed the freezer and took several packages of steak. We drove back to my place, began thawing out the steaks and started drinking beers and smoking weed. After grilling and eating our steaks, we continued partying before he decided to head out.

What makes this story funny is the fact that his Dad had been an attorney and was then a prominent Judge. Not only that, he was my Dad's attorney for many years, whom I had used a couple of times my own self.
The Old Hen and I used to play a lot of cards in our younger days. She'd always team up with the other female in the game and make my life less than pleasurable. I launched an Uno deck into a 55 gallon aquarium one night. Probably been 30 years or more since I've played anything with anyone. Play a lot of silly games on the computer but that's about it.
Morning gang. Guess who got to strip and clean five rifles last night before bed? This guy
I had taken them out of my car, leaned them against the door and promptly forgot about them until the thunderstorm had rolled though. At least that’s five that don’t need cleaning for a while??
Good morning brothers and sisters!

A mostly clear day starting at 57F and predicted to reach 78F.

Alas, the instructions for programming a Ford smart key were not written for their Focus EV, so I was unable to program the new fob. I just got notice that the programmer for the Jeep fobs just shipped.

After looking more closely, I also decided to hire someone to pressure wash the roof and then treat it for moss. The roofs are a steep 60 degree angle, 2 stories tall, our 26' ladder is clumsy, heavy, and awkward for me to handle, plus at 80+ years old I don't bounce as well as I once did

Off to the gym this morning first thing and then a search for an automotive locksmith and a roof cleaning contractor.

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