MJP Grow Off GMOJoJo Auto Fem

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It will be interesting watching the different grow styles. Already variations in the germination process. It's cool to observe the differences and I'm sure I'll learn a lot. Great learning tool here as well as a fun competition.
Your so right, just the little variances from the get go... and best advice I can give. when you find a method that works for you.. work it. Consistency helps eliminate any issues in your grow. I was a victim of trying new things for years... lesson learned and I'm going back to old school I know worked.
It will be interesting. Carty does things a little different but very similar to my ways too.
Pretty cool, and bro, I'm learning so much from you and your techniques. Sharing is the key
Only floaters I have are in my eyes.😁
I've got one of them, send it to you next seeds I send.. hahaha
Almost all mine shucked their shells
And in just 2 or 3 days to.... I dropped mine into water Sat night, Wed night up and running... impressive.

Are these seeds you bought Jan or what.... I know these are fems.

And I had to ask... but what is in JoJo
And in just 2 or 3 days to.... I dropped mine into water Sat night, Wed night up and running... impressive.

Are these seeds you bought Jan or what.... I know these are fems.

And I had to ask... but what is in JoJo
No clue they were scored on a trade. Came from X. He was super generous. I asked for autos and he had something I wanted. Don't remember what now, it was a few months ago. He sent mine to the wrong person and sr t me the 2 large vials of these. Labeled GMO Jo JoJo no x in there. I will ask if he knows
I thought you were being mystifying saying his handle was X... so that is his real handle.

be cool to get more info on her, thank you. this is already fun
All three have broken surface. This one showed first. So, off we go.
I’m behind. Missed we were starting I was traveling. Dropping in water tomorrow will just be a bit behind!

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