Island Of Misfits

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Morning gang. Guess who got to strip and clean five rifles last night before bed? This guy
I had taken them out of my car, leaned them against the door and promptly forgot about them until the thunderstorm had rolled though. At least that’s five that don’t need cleaning for a while??
I had a rude awakening after unpacking my RWS tournament air rifle from attic storage for the last 26 years and trying to shoot it. The piston cup appears to be dried up so that it isn't building air pressure. Looks like a complete disassembly and cleaning, with piston cup replacement is in order.
Morning gang. Wife’s yelling at the kids. Dogs acting stupid. Life is normal 😂.
My Grampa died this morning. Glad I was able to go yesterday. He went down fast. Which seems to be the preferred way to go. Watched my sister do down slow over a few years and that’s no way to die.
He was running strong until about 10 days ago.
Nicest arsehole you’d ever meet. That was my Grampa. Took pride in being a rude sumBitch But he had a heart of gold too.

Gluing the hinges on the Citabria flaps this morning. House smells like a perm. That 5 minute epoxy is some hot stuff 😂
Sorry dog.......
Good morning, MIsfits. Yeah GW, at two stories and 60%, I'd farm that one out, too. Probably would have at 50, much less 80+. Like they say, it ain't the fall, it's the sudden stop at the end.
Got sunshine this morning. Don't want to waste it, but I really don't want to do much either!
Good morning, Misfits. Smoking a bowl and thinking about my Uncle that used to do tractor pulls. He had a milling machine, and would take a solid block of cast aluminum and mill the head to fit his Mack tractor ("Mad Mack"). He would use each head one time, then mill a new one for the next pull. He had walls full of trophies and ribbons, mostly first place, too.
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How did you get something outta them for free. I tried and all they would give me was a 30% off coupon. I told them I am not going to switch from what i have been using for years quite successfully might I add, for a 30% off coupon.
I just shot them an email to see if they offered any trials. It's 695 dollars worth of stuff 😳
You silver tongued devil! You told 'em you were a Youtube influencer, didn't ya? :)
Nope lol.
Told them how many plants I run, what size space I have, and what line I was interested in and they asked for shipping info.
Sent me their entire Blended Line for free. 11 gallon jugs and 2 quart jugs
Nope lol.
Told them how many plants I run, what size space I have, and what line I was interested in and they asked for shipping info.
Sent me their entire Blended Line for free. 11 gallon jugs and 2 quart jugs
I made some killer french fries last night, and I think I'm gonna make some more this evening. I sliced up four large potatoes and stuffed 'em in a wire basket and boiled 'em for five minutes. Pulled the basket out and let it drain for a couple of minutes, then slowly lowered 'em into the hot oil. These things turned out nice and crisp. Good even without catsup.
Ya gotta leave 'em in the basket or they'll literally fall apart before you can get 'em in the oil.
Between the Old Hen, Pullet, and me, they lasted less than five minutes.
I'm taking it that way, yes.
Haven't had much good luck this year so getting 700 dollars of some top line nutrients is a huge deal for me.
Plus now I can do a side by side with Athena and the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro I usually use.

Athena is 7 parts
Botanicare PBP is 2 and calmag.
Just got the bedroom TV set up for the Disney+ Hulu account. Getting ready to smoke a bowl with the Mrs and watch a movie
We watch those alot pretty good movies D+ has a bunch of stuff from discovery and a bunch of other channels. Dad used to watch Dr Pol

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