Island Of Misfits

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Just ate one of those 50 mg Blueberry Muffin gummies. That, and smoking a bowl or two should keep me buzzin' cuzzin! Looking forward to the Chiefs game tomorrow afternoon at 3 pm. Hoping to be able to get it on the TV, rather than listening to it on the radio like last week. Me and the Mrs have our Mahomes jerseys ready to wear and cheer them on
One of my favorite T-shirts, and the Mrs has a matching one 😂

Good morning brothers and sisters!

Thunderstorms predicted today starting at 59F and predicted to reach 83F.

The moss treatment that I ordered arrived, so I will be treating the roofs today. Most of it is still clear from treating it two years ago, but the north side under the shade of a 120-year-old Douglas fir has furred over again.

The key fobs for the Ford also arrived, so I will try to program them.
Well after years it appears covid may have found me again..

Woke up yesterday not feeling right(sick wise) super achy body, chills, dry cough, no energy... all the classic symptoms.

Still not sure as I have not tested, but I probably won't, from what I understand you could test a diet Coke and would test positive.

Covid or a flu , not sure which but it's kicking my d.ick in the dirt right now. Slept like 14 hours yesterday. Barely had the energy to get up and go water the garden last night.

Got up this morning to feed the kitty and to see how I feel...yep still feel like 10 pounds of Dogs.hit. I can't believe it, I haven't been sick in like 3 years.

I been hitting my vicodin stash which has kept the body aches away while I'm trying to get things accomplished but once it wears off , I go down.
HahahahahahahahahahahahahaView attachment 360758

Well after years it appears covid may have found me again..

Woke up yesterday not feeling right(sick wise) super achy body, chills, dry cough, no energy... all the classic symptoms.

Still not sure as I have not tested, but I probably won't, from what I understand you could test a diet Coke and would test positive.

Covid or a flu , not sure which but it's kicking my d.ick in the dirt right now. Slept like 14 hours yesterday. Barely had the energy to get up and go water the garden last night.

Got up this morning to feed the kitty and to see how I feel...yep still feel like 10 pounds of Dogs.hit. I can't believe it, I haven't been sick in like 3 years.

I been hitting my vicodin stash which has kept the body aches away while I'm trying to get things accomplished but once it wears off , I go down.
Rest and stay hydrated. Thats snout all you can do for either one of them. Covid doesn’t last as long as the flu most of the time.
Morning peeps. Sanding the Citabria this morning. Very close to mounting the flaps and ailerons. Then a final shape and sand, and then she’s getting her wings covered. This plane is modeled after a plane my grandfather owned in the late 1960’s. I had to add flaps to the kit since his had them. And will copy his color scheme. Bright green with white sunburst.
Yep your humidity sucks those temps and that humidity I would pass out outside somewhere.
It’s not so bad. Most people get acclimated to a climate. You want to see misery? Let it get down to 15 degrees for a few days down here in the southern states and see how folks get. Personally I prefer anything between 45 and 90. Under or over and it’s too cold or too hot
Good evening, Misfits. Smoking a bowl and watching TV. Had Discovery channel on Moonshiners earlier and the guy was going to make some "hemp shine". He was asking for buds to make his mash with 😂
I've had a few bottles of wine fermented with bud in it. Best wine I've every drank. It tasted fine and had a buzz like a mild 'shroom dose. Wife and I laughed for hours each time we had it. I always wanted to try brewing beer like that but could never make a drinkable brew.
It’s not so bad. Most people get acclimated to a climate. You want to see misery? Let it get down to 15 degrees for a few days down here in the southern states and see how folks get. Personally I prefer anything between 45 and 90. Under or over and it’s too cold or too hot
I'm 68 and born here. The older I get the more it kicks my ass. I'm out in it a lot.
Soaking wet within 30 minutes. Not to mention open heart surgery 11yrs years ago.🤪
Good morning, Misfits. Same-o same-o here in the mitten. Pollen higher than a giraffes forehead and humidity you have to cut with a manchette. Got more of the wet stuff on the way. Good weather for arthritis sufferers. Ouch.

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