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Yeah,,when i was running my business for so many years it was a pain in the ass filing taxes, and it cost me more. Now as a PM working for that same company I subbed out to,, my taxes are easy for him to do. He doesn't charge me much at all.
Mine are done. I have a Tax Attorney that's been doing my taxes for over 20yrs. He worked for the IRS for 15yrs before he opened up his own business. He hates the fking IRS and knows all the ins and outs. He actually has become like part of the family. Crazy looking fker who looks like a nerd,,, but has guns all over his house. Was in the KKK at one time. 😁
My kind of tax guy, wish he lived closer to me.
He is a great guy. Crazy as a mother fker but a great guy. Smart as h.ell. Like i said he is a nerd with guns that knows how to use them. He has saved my ass many times from the IRS. I went to Florida and Louisiana for awhile and didn't file taxes for all those yrs and he took care of it as soon as i got back to Texas. They froze my bank accounts and stopped my checks. Fkers,,i hate the IRS and so does he. Nothing like having a Tax Attorney that worked for the IRS for 15yrs.
I'll be filing an extension again. My employer's K1 was late last year, and it's looking like it will be again. Last year they added enough shares to make the shares I hold noticeably less valuable. No telling what horrors they are planning this year.
I'll be filing an extension again. My employer's K1 was late last year, and it's looking like it will be again. Last year they added enough shares to make the shares I hold noticeably less valuable. No telling what horrors they are planning this year.
The tax software I use won’t have the state form available until 3/12. Taxes due 3/15…
The tax software I use won’t have the state form available until 3/12. Taxes due 3/15…
It's May 1 in my state. I never bothered filing for a state extension last year, but they fortunately owed me a few bucks and didn't seem to notice I was 6 months late filing.
I remember seeing a video of a Russian dude that owed something like nine bucks in back taxes. They tied each of his arms and legs to separate horses and smacked 'em on the ass. One horse got his arm and torso while the rest got what they were tied to.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
And we still have no representation and still have the god damn taxes.

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor. The event was the first major act of defiance to British rule over the colonists. It showed Great Britain that Americans wouldn’t take taxation and tyranny sitting down, and rallied American patriots across the 13 colonies to fight for independence.
Actually, the Boston Tea Party was a protest carried out largely by merchants who were against the reduced taxes, because they undercut the price of smuggled Dutch tea. It was still successfully promoted as a tax protest and generated huge support for the cessation movement. But that wasn't really the reason for the tea party.
Yeah, they won’t notice until 3 years from now so they can tack on penalties and interest. They hate us.
Usually 6 or 7 years. The gov't chsrges 10% interest compounded daily. I agree they wait that long on purpose to let the penalty build up to a more substantial amount. Bend over.
Actually, the Boston Tea Party was a protest carried out largely by merchants who were against the reduced taxes, because they undercut the price of smuggled Dutch tea. It was still successfully promoted as a tax protest and generated huge support for the cessation movement. But that wasn't really the reason for the tea party.
I wasn't there so i gotta go with the history books. 😁

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