Island Of Misfits

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GW, I'm trying to remember what the old timers used for moss on roofs. Only thing that comes to mind is copper sulfate, but my memory ain't what it used to be.
I've always used either copper or zinc sulfate, but this time I'm trying Lilly Miller Moss Out, which shows its active ingredient as Ammoniated soap of fatty acids.
Well after years it appears covid may have found me again..

Woke up yesterday not feeling right(sick wise) super achy body, chills, dry cough, no energy... all the classic symptoms.

Still not sure as I have not tested, but I probably won't, from what I understand you could test a diet Coke and would test positive.

Covid or a flu , not sure which but it's kicking my d.ick in the dirt right now. Slept like 14 hours yesterday. Barely had the energy to get up and go water the garden last night.

Got up this morning to feed the kitty and to see how I feel...yep still feel like 10 pounds of Dogs.hit. I can't believe it, I haven't been sick in like 3 years.

I been hitting my vicodin stash which has kept the body aches away while I'm trying to get things accomplished but once it wears off , I go down.
Grandkids went back to school then came over last weekend. Guess what the little rackels left the Covid with me and the wife. Three days later they are fine and me and the wife are cussing them.
The Old Hen has been feeling bad all day. She woke up with an upset stomach, dizziness, and nausea. I've been pampering the p iss outta her all day. She deserves it. She takes good care of me when I'm under the weather. I've managed to keep her on the couch all day, which just ain't natural for her. Checked her vitals; 95% O2 level, and 140/83 heart rate, which is a little high but not stroke level. Made her some lightly buttered toast which she devoured.

Hope you and your wife get to feeling better soon, Kevinn. Kids are a walking petri dish of germs.
Evening folks. @Hippie420 my folks got sick a few weeks back. Same thing. Think it was some kinda covid crap.

Just sold elevens more hens. I’m down to a more manageable level. Can’t really sell anymore until they get older. But I’m getting real low on hens. That’s a good thing. I need to get rid of these barnyard chickens and focus on my two breeds.
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Back to gorgeous days, starting at 59F and predicted to reach 77F.

I postponed spraying the roof for moss until today because we had a thunderstorm here yesterday.

I didn't program the key fobs because it turned out that they were for the Jeep instead of the Ford and I don't have the programmer yet. The Ford fob arrived last night, so I will program it today and follow up with the Jeep when the programmer arrives.
Why do people think I just fell off s turnip truck? I got a message yesterday I won 500000 dollar from some schmo that said he won the lottery. All I have to do is give him 200 bucks to activate my winnings. SCAM do dumbasses really fall for this shit?

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