How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

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I no all about feeling stuck depressed ggta rock on brotha I'm 32 with 4 kids . It's not easy but I do my best everyday and let me tell you I have depression anxiety I get up and get through all that music hobbies plants smoking guitar this forum Will keep you busy . What you growing anyways ATM anything good you on the growoff ? I'm about to drop my fem photos I'm thinking of doing two growing them with a redvelvet x gmo clone and a blak belt clone I took from my plants outside was thinking about putting down two triangle kush regs from Jan and preying I get a frosty male to hit all of these lower bud sites with trying to start a photo period strain that I created and an autoflower strain just crossing a few killer plants seeing what I can get from it .
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I'm OCD. Drives my Wife crazy sometimes. Everything has its place and I like things even.
If I have a certain type of plant on one side of something,,I have to have the same type plant on the other side.
If I notice something while I'm driving out of place in my truck,,I have to stop and fix it or it will drive me crazy.
Thank God my Wife is a clean freak.😁
I was also diagnosed with Aspergers. As we age we can learn and overcome our awkward behaviors and it gets easier to communicate with neurotypical people., though not everyone is the same on the spectrum.

My main obsession was Athletics, not typical of most on the spectrum. I'm very competitive, yet extremely introverted, then at the age of between 11 and 12 I grew my first plants until I joined the military and could no longer grow or smoke i gave it up until I turn almost 40, lol
I was injured at work, so my interest have changed to weed.

I can surely pass as neurotypical. Hell I didn't realize until my son was diagnosed. i was in my 30's, when I was tested. My therapist ATT, seen the signs and asked me if had anyone in my family that was diagnosed with it.

Both our son and daughter have Aspergers and they both have collage degrees
My son majored in Computer Science. "Software Engineering". My daughter Business Management." Marketing"
Me not so great. A.S. in HVAC/R I've always liked working with my hands.

I think a lot of people have a preconceived notion of us on the spectrum as being stupid or mentally challenged,, lol.

I'm like you though I've had many things that I'll be obsessed with and then get bored with and move on with. It does help. As I said I deal with chronic severe depression and anxiety comorbid from ASD. Therapy alone doesn't help. It's neurological.

Sorry for rambling hope I made some sense..smoking something new..🤣
Anyway Depression Sucks!..
Another new term, neurotypical! I could have used that growing up. Probably worth its cost in bloody noses.. People do have preconceived notions for sure. My wife is a sociology professor and didn't believe I could ever have had Asperger's. Even she didn't realize it doesn't ever go away, you just figure out what everyone expects and adapt. Sorry for the depression, brother. I hope you can shake it.
I’ve heard a lot an about mushrooms helping with mental state. I am thinking about learning how to grow some. I’ve started having some anxiety issues last couple months. Sometimes it is close to what I’d call crippling. My wife suffers from depression. It can be frustrating to people because no matter what a depressed persons mindset is negative. I could win the lottery and if my wife is in a slump shed just find something to complain about all that money.

With your addictions it could take several years or more to get your brain functioning properly. It was bombarded with floods of stimulants and it’s going to take a while to sort itself out and get balanced.
Look into the mushrooms. Research ptsd and combat related depression etc and the use of mushrooms to counteract it.
That's fu*kin sad. Seems like everything service oriented is now outsourced these days. We have nothing but trouble with our internet and phone service, and we call and get some f*ker that that barely speaks english and talks like he or she's on some speed or some shit.
Also if you do get ahold of someone who speaks fluent English you get hung up on, if you don’t have an immediate, specific plan to off yourself.
We switched to Starlink when it was offered in our area. Had if for over 2 years now. Only one outage. Once in a while we have to restart the dish but not often. Like 8 people all streaming and no problems either. Its a bit pricy. They have 2 prices one for people that are in cluttered areas (not us) 99 bucks a month . The underpopulated areas will cost 120 per month. We were first connected it was to a Dallas Sattelite. Now we are connected to Arizona. It will find the best one for your area. It is totally worth it. We were paying over 200 for Catv and internet with Chaparral Cable. Always had trouble. Couldn't stay connected. If the wind blew we lost internet. It was the worst. I hear they even have s mobile version for people that live in an RV. Neat I think.
Wow everyone here really is cool. It's amazing how a plant can bring so many people together. Lots of wisdom in these comments.

IDK I will keep going through the motions it's just very dull. I think the plant is good for me though gives me some joy.
This community is really cool, I will definitely be sticking around
I'm OCD. Drives my Wife crazy sometimes. Everything has its place and I like things even.
If I have a certain type of plant on one side of something,,I have to have the same type plant on the other side.
If I notice something while I'm driving out of place in my truck,,I have to stop and fix it or it will drive me crazy.
Thank God my Wife is a clean freak.😁
It helps if you put your stuff where it goes. Then you never have to look for it. You know exactly where it is. I like it that way. It’s good I am not OCD these hoarders would have run me off by now. Our Dumpster gets dumped once a week and I always make sure it is full. My hoarder sister hoarded who knows what the 5 years she was house sitting. She had to get a storage. We have no room here. Her room was so packed with boxes you could not even walk in there. No bed either. She needs work. Shes got a screw or 12 loose. She thought she was bringing that crap here.
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Brother if you was in Bama I would knock on your door. I have the same feelings, long story. Don't think of the bull that runs through your mind, get a hobby other then just growing weed ( wish I could get into my grow shed to grow) if you like to grow grow a small garden, flowers or maybe even model cars are something like that to keep your mind busy. We are here and some of us are living in the dark aswell.
It helps if you put your stuff where it goes. Then you never have to look for it. You know exactly where it is. I like it that way. It’s good I am not OCD these hoarders would have run me off by now. Our Dumpster gets dumped once a week and I always make sure it is full. My hoarder sister hoarded who knows what the 5 years she was house sitting. She had to get a storage. We have no room here. Her room was so packed with boxes you could not even walk in there. No bed either. She needs work. Shes git a screw or 12 loose. She thought she was bringing that crap here.
I couldn't live like that. I would lose my mind.
Wow everyone here really is cool. It's amazing how a plant can bring so many people together. Lots of wisdom in these comments.

IDK I will keep going through the motions it's just very dull. I think the plant is good for me though gives me some joy.
This community is really cool, I will definitely be sticking around
Glad your here my friend.
Brother if you was in Bama I would knock on your door. I have the same feelings, long story. Don't think of the bull that runs through your mind, get a hobby other then just growing weed ( wish I could get into my grow shed to grow) if you like to grow grow a small garden, flowers or maybe even model cars are something like that to keep your mind busy. We are here and some of us are living in the dark aswell.
I use to be really into photography but it's been awhile since I've done anything with it..I have taken a few pictures of the plant but that's about it. I really should give it a shot again, pun intended
It helps if you put your stuff where it goes. Then you never have to look for it. You know exactly where it is. I like it that way. It’s good I am not OCD these hoarders would have run me off by now. Our Dumpster gets dumped once a week and I always make sure it is full. My hoarder sister hoarded who knows what the 5 years she was house sitting. She had to get a storage. We have no room here. Her room was so packed with boxes you could not even walk in there. No bed either. She needs work. Shes git a screw or 12 loose. She thought she was bringing that crap here.
Personally I am incredibly messy but I know exactly where things are...but at the same time can never find what I am looking 🤔 that's the ADHD side of the brain, can have phone in hand and be looking for it but you ask me where the most random things are at any given time and I usually know, it's a weird life
I build model airplanes and cars. When I lived in a different town I had a huge vegetable and flower garden. Hobbies are good. Idle minds are rarely a good thing.
Now I spend my time changing diapers and burping babies. 😂
That sounds cool, I'm incredibly impatient idk if I could do that but I have also never tried so who knows. Photography is the only thing that ever slowed my brain down any and now this plant.
I tried to grow right out of highschool. I had made a pretty terrible set up in an old school 2 Rubbermaid storage bins stacked together but I had to tear it apart and chop the plants right at flowering. I think I was 17 at the time. It's been a long time interest idk why I haven't tried again till now
That sounds cool, I'm incredibly impatient idk if I could do that but I have also never tried so who knows. Photography is the only thing that ever slowed my brain down any and now this plant.
I tried to grow right out of highschool. I had made a pretty terrible set up in an old school 2 Rubbermaid storage bins stacked together but I had to tear it apart and chop the plants right at flowering. I think I was 17 at the time. It's been a long time interest idk why I haven't tried again till now
I am a highly impatient person. ADD whatever you want to call it. But sometimes I can sit four 8 hours and build a model. Other days I sit at the work table and screw off for twenty minutes and then I’m done for the day.
I am a highly impatient person. ADD whatever you want to call it. But sometimes I can sit four 8 hours and build a model. Other days I sit at the work table and screw off for twenty minutes and then I’m done for the day.
I'm the same way, it's either all of my interests or none of it. I cant tell you the last movie I've seen or TV show 5 minutes into it and I'm distracted with something else
I'm the same way, it's either all of my interests or none of it. I cant tell you the last movie I've seen or TV show 5 minutes into it and I'm distracted with something else
I can watch an old western movie in the winter. But summer time I got to be moving around till I’m too tired to keep going.

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