Island Of Misfits

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Good morning Misfits. Looks like it's shaping up to be a beautiful day. Sun is shining and currently 72 heading for 79 with amazingly low humidity for having a lot of rain all day yesterday. Gotta get my arse motivated and get some stuff done. Winter's coming......
I think it was a combo of three things. They didn’t have enough heat when housed outside, mainly in the evening and night times. And they really need small spaces at first. If they can’t walk a few inches and find food and water they will die.
So they are inside with a heat lamp, and in a smaller space. Seem to be doing fine.
Heart been skipping just a little today. Dr said I’m fine, said in 21 days I had 9 skips or extra beats. Everything I read online says it’s fine. I just don’t like it. It wasn’t like this until I had that issue a month ago. I haven’t had nicotine or alcohol at all in over four weeks. And I barely have any caffeine either. And I’m staying hydrated for sure.
Yep, it's wild just how the little things are so fragile when they're young. I lost a few due to heat issues, too. I learned that a rectangular box with the heat at one end gives 'em the option to self regulate. Too much will fry 'em, and too little will kill 'em just as quick.
Heart been skipping just a little today. Dr said I’m fine, said in 21 days I had 9 skips or extra beats. Everything I read online says it’s fine. I just don’t like it. It wasn’t like this until I had that issue a month ago. I haven’t had nicotine or alcohol at all in over four weeks. And I barely have any caffeine either. And I’m staying hydrated for s
did he say pvc's
Heart been skipping just a little today. Dr said I’m fine, said in 21 days I had 9 skips or extra beats. Everything I read online says it’s fine. I just don’t like it. It wasn’t like this until I had that issue a month ago. I haven’t had nicotine or alcohol at all in over four weeks. And I barely have any caffeine either. And I’m staying hydrated for sure.
Has your Thyroid TSH levels been checked? What are they?
Thyroid medication stopped my AFib.
Your thyroid also controls hormones that keep your heartbeat normal.
Has your Thyroid TSH levels been checked? What are they?
Thyroid medication stopped my AFib.
Your thyroid also controls hormones that keep your heartbeat normal.
I had blood work done when I went to the er but that is honestly a joke. I wouldn’t trust those quacks with my cats life. I have an appointment scheduled with my regular Dr for a physical and bloodwork. ER said bloodwork was good but I never got any results myself.
ECG said
normal sinus rhythm
Nonspecific T wave abnormality
Abnormal ECG
Heart monitor results said
1 pvc
9 pac

I triggered the monitor 10times and it triggered itself once.
8 of my triggers were normal sinus rhythm
1 of my triggers was sinus tachycardia
1 was for normal sinus rhythm with ectopy

Honestly I think I’ll get a second opinion. Either way I won’t feel good about it till I do. May was well just do it.

Last year or so has really changed my outlook and perception of life. Sadness and more worry, but oddly I’d say it didn’t change me in a bad way.
Watching my sister whither away from cancer.
Mom was having major issues at the same time in the hospital. Beat the odds after a botched heart stints and made it home in 12 weeks. I’m afraid my dad is getting the early touches of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Back problems. Now this heart.
Really made me stop and evaluate myself. Working to get under 200lb, almost no sodas. Tapering down the sugars. No caffeine, nicotine or alcohol. I smoke a little weed in the evening. Maybe six or eight tokes,
Changed what I wanted in life. Now I just want to raise my boys best I can, and do all I can to set them up for a successful life.

Dang I think I’m turning into my dad. That wouldn’t be bad. He’s a better man than I am. I guess I’ll get there one day by the time I get old😂

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