Yes sir! I'll get right on that. Again..... I keep coming up with excuses as to why I haven't quit smoking again. This time for good.. Truth is, I'm just not there yet.... doctors tell me to quit, talks about all the problems smoking for 20+ years have probably caused me. Then gives me a clean bill of health, sends me to a cardiologist who clears me, pulmonary specialist is next. But I've had asthma since birth. My lungs beg me to quit everyday. I'm hard headed and don't like people of authority who think they know best. Even if they are qualified to know best.
I'll try again on new years. I don't drink anymore so it's not that hard. Roll up 20 Js like Willie Nelson did in the 70s. And quit his way.![]()
I quit cold turkey after my open heart surgery in 2013. Best thing I ever did.
You have to stop the triggers 1st. Another words I stopped drinking beer for awhile. Made it much easier to quit.
Now I can drink my beer and I don't think about those fking cancer sticks at all.
Watched my Mom and my sister both die a horrible horrible death from lung cancer. My sister was 3 years younger than me. I'm the last of my Immediate family

Don't push your luck brother. Those god.damn things aren't worth it.
Hippie has lost the top portion of both lungs to fking cigarettes.