Island Of Misfits

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Good morning, insomniac Misfits! The Mrs has an MRI appointment at 6:30 am, and medical transport will pick up at 5 am. I don't drive for medical appointments when they are far away and in a busy traffic area (like Independence, tomorrow). So we let medical transport take us. And it looks like a possible sleepless night, so I foresee multiple bowls and maybe one of those 100 mg gummies - zoom all night, start drinking coffee around 3 am, and be nice and chipper when transport gets here. The Mrs says thumbs up! 😁
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Good morning brothers and sisters!

Yet another gorgeous day starting at 62F and predicted to reach 94F.

Looking forward to trying out a new place for breakfast this morning at Jarvis Breakfast Cafe with Nutrition Magician, who found the place and recommended it.
Morning folks. Heading to work. Got a new manager that basically told us all in a netting he was an ******* and was going to put a stop to any talking and screwing off. Next day someone (yours truly) wrote F**** his name, in the bathroom. Had a big meeting, he was all upset 😂. A little wee bit of authority and ole buddy just lost his mind. Let’s see what today holds.
Assholes like that should never be in charge of anything.
I have several ppl that work under me. They love me because I treat them with dignity. I'm a Facilities Manager over several properties including two hospitals and a Mall. I have a Security team, maintenance team,grounds keeping, cleaning crew, and vendors. Mostly all Black and some Hispanics.
You don't need to be an ass.hole to get shit done if ppl respect you.
Morning folks. Heading to work. Got a new manager that basically told us all in a netting he was an ******* and was going to put a stop to any talking and screwing off. Next day someone (yours truly) wrote F**** his name, in the bathroom. Had a big meeting, he was all upset 😂. A little wee bit of authority and ole buddy just lost his mind. Let’s see what today holds.
Go fkn ruin his day brother.
I hate ass holes like that.
ECG said
normal sinus rhythm
Nonspecific T wave abnormality
Abnormal ECG
Heart monitor results said
1 pvc
9 pac

I triggered the monitor 10times and it triggered itself once.
8 of my triggers were normal sinus rhythm
1 of my triggers was sinus tachycardia
1 was for normal sinus rhythm with ectopy

Honestly I think I’ll get a second opinion. Either way I won’t feel good about it till I do. May was well just do it.

Last year or so has really changed my outlook and perception of life. Sadness and more worry, but oddly I’d say it didn’t change me in a bad way.
Watching my sister whither away from cancer.
Mom was having major issues at the same time in the hospital. Beat the odds after a botched heart stints and made it home in 12 weeks. I’m afraid my dad is getting the early touches of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Back problems. Now this heart.
Really made me stop and evaluate myself. Working to get under 200lb, almost no sodas. Tapering down the sugars. No caffeine, nicotine or alcohol. I smoke a little weed in the evening. Maybe six or eight tokes,
Changed what I wanted in life. Now I just want to raise my boys best I can, and do all I can to set them up for a successful life.

Dang I think I’m turning into my dad. That wouldn’t be bad. He’s a better man than I am. I guess I’ll get there one day by the time I get old😂
I have PVC much like this, just mine are in the lower chambers.
The doctor does nothing and a blood pressure pill took all or most away, I was have a few 1000 extra beats a day
sey called it benign pVC.


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