Yeah Butters,
I'm all in a sweat over it. Been a good learning experience too. I still don't like having it in my home. I really think that outdoors is the way to do it. At least if it's off your property, you still can say it's not yours, and your a bird watcher, or a mountain biker, or even a fisherman, or just a person who is walking their dog, and you stopped for a closer look see ya know ?
I know that it does seem unreasonable to be that overly concerned, I mean after all, in all the years I have lived in my own homes, I have never had a cop pull into my driveway other than to turn around.
I'm looking forward to finding out just what it is I have there, and sorta hoping to be surprised in a good way ya know ? Still thinking positive about NO males, NO hermies.
After this grow is done, I'm going back outdoors and thinking maybe I'll try some Aurora Indica out there if it will survive.
smoke in peace