Yo Ho There Friends,
I stepped out to have a good look at my plants believing I saw some growth last night that might be what I have been waiting for. I watered them good last night, and figuered I can't do nothing but wait. Patience is every thing.
So I finished a rather close inspection about an hour ago. I looked very carefully, several times on each one.
I have been blessed with four females !!!!!
They allowed a peek under their skirts, and there is no mistaking the fine crossed legs, slim waist line, and a desire to gossip. LOL each one has plied me for my gold credit cards, and the car keys. LMAO
Please accept the humblest thank you that I can muster for all the good luck wished upon me, the positive thoughts, and shared humor.
I am so happy that I am now pinging off the walls and as soon as I can figuere out how to use the macro function on my camera, I will sneak a few leg shots for you guys. In the meantime it's cigars all around.
smoke in peace