First Indoors

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:hubba: If theyve got some stink in veg theyre gonna reak in flower. ENJOY!!!:hubba:
King, congrats on the stinky plants. puts me in a good mood just smellin my babies. plants look great, keep it up and smoke it up.
I want some of what your smoking dude, cause your post to me said, "This is some cerebral lock", LOL

smoke in peace
Hi Guys,
Well my babies continue to do well so I tossed in a couple of quick pics of them.
My real fun today was this Two Stage Filter System that I just built. The first stage is 4" Inline duct fan that is passive, and designed to remove the smell from inside the box. The second stage is a 6" Inline duct fan that is designed to remove the heat, and with a little computer setup, I can run both for High Intensity cooling, and odor removal. Granted it reminds me of a rube-goldberg setup, but as a prototype this ain't bad, A little aluminum tape also made it a lot more quite. It holds 5 quarts of Activated charcoal, and the center section is a 4" diameter screen tube, while the outer one is 8" .
smoke in peace









Looks great man, the filter is awesome. Has it cleaned up the smell in your garage?
Hey there TPD,
I just plugged it in about 10 minutes ago, so will give it a 1/2 hour, and see how it does. It's not perfectly quite, but a whole lot quiter than any bathroom fan I've ever heard. Maybe comparible to a refrigerator running. That smell as lovely as it is, was getting kinda strong, and I figuered sooner or later I would have to do something about it. Done and running, so I just need to keep an eye on it for a day or two.
smoke in peace
kewl, man... that filter you made up is the bomb!

hope it works out good:D
That crazy vancouver guy said:
kewl, man... that filter you made up is the bomb!

hope it works out good:D

It looks like a bomb..LOL. Good stuff for sure KK. Those plants seem to be doing well.
looking good man! i need to make a similar filter
This early morning,
I got up and was just goofing around, and thought that I ought to take a quick peek at the filter. I went out into the garage, and felt my heart jump as I heard NOTHING running. Oh man, I thought that either I popped a breaker, or the fan unit in the filter had burned out overnight.
I went into the closet and still didn't hear anything coming from the filter, but all the electrical was up and going so I stood there wondering what I did wrong. I put my hand over the filter intake and felt the strong draw.
Pheeewwww, It was working fine, just I guess it needed to run for a little bit to get it all settled in, cause it sure is quite, and working sweet, (no odor).
Makes me a happy camper.
ps. I found a ladybug in there on one of the plants last night, hope it's not one of those japanese beetles though.
smoke in peace
Hi Guys,
Here are a few of the pics that I took this morning. They are now 22 days young, and growing fast, but they do have they're slow growth days. I am trying to decide if I should pinch or leave them alone, I kinda like the idea of that one main cola, I'm just a bit of a show off I guess. LOL
I still have no clue as to what strain I've got going there, and wondering when I should start the 12/12 ? I will have a look in the forums to see what some of you did. Anyway here are the latest pics.







smoke in peace
Whats up KK lookin good man.
When it comes to flower you can switch anytime. but if want a nice yeilder I would switch after week 5 or 6 of veg...should have alternating nodes by then.
I myself switch at about week 4 to keep size down.
If using flos for flower I would recomend pinching and tying to keep canopy even.
king. didn't u have a step-by-step post somewhere on how to make ur carbon scrubbers or am i losin my mind?? gettin time for me to get/make one of those babies. looks great
SWW check the DIY section and DLToker's Sticky on carbon scrubber.

Kk looking good man. I just built a carbon filter last night. Couldn't quite stretch the nylons enough, and have to go back and get the larger version. I'm glad to see yours is taking away the smell as my babies got real skunky in the past 2 days.

Hi Guys,
I see progress everyday now, and yes it gets my blood up for certain. Still can't figuere out what the four plants are, but there is definitly Sativa in there.
I have been rotating the containers in place and also as far as their location under the lights. They like to lean a lot towards the back wall, (flat white).
They also like the center set of lights the best, but I can't figuere out why, unless that is the sweet spot that gets the vast majority of the light.
I'm trying to center them in the middle of the tubes, since a friend here mentioned it. Anyways take a look, tell me what you guys think.

smoke in peace





Looking good man!

Cant wait to see a good set of ladeez!