First Indoors

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Looking good man. Good luck with your grow and get stoned.
15 minutes ago,
I finished putting the germed beans under soil. My opologies that there are no pics as the shots on the white towel didn't come out worth diddly poop.
I should have know, since I was using a flash, and the papertowel is white, and moist. It sets up a blurry pic at best. I got them under soil fast.
Turns out that the three that have tap roots are all Skunk #1.
Here is another look see at the one that is either a Blue/Mystic, or a Early Girl.


No critters did this as I have watched very carefully. It started out like that, I figuered it was a mutant, and needed to be culled, but my natural instict is to pull it through even if it needs surgury. LOL

Well the seeds have been germing this time for a total of 72 hours. I will give them another couple of days to see if any more want to start, after that I start ordering, so yeppers you guessed it, I need to know who is good to go with, and do they give freebies ?

I hope to have some goods to show you guys, right now I'm just practising being relaxed as I can with this. It will all work just fine right ?

smoke in peace


Its funny I`ve never warmed my seed or germed them in the dark. I just use verycleanplain water on paper towel in a ziploc container under 24hr flouresent, and have very good results. I have had my duds though, but only on the newer strains(crossbreeds) All the true breeding strains I have, just like your Skunk#1, they seem to germ way easier. just my exp. Good Luck with everything and I personally cant wait to see the haze. What kinda Haze is it?
Hey nice job, Hope everything works out for ya Im pullin for ya. I'm a new grower aswell and am currently on my grow with one soil plant, it has definatley been an experiance , but now im doing a new cycle with rockwool, the clones are from the one soil plant thay I have in flower. See I made a bad newbie mistake and PHed my water before putting nutes in. which totally threw off my PH. So you can see the results of that curling of the leaves and also my plant was dieing from the bottom up. But I flush it out and its in flower and looks good except the curling. But one thing ive learned is you shoulnt go cheap on the soil, and should get soil that has the right balance of nutes for MJ, cause miricle gro has nutrients for like tomatoes and other garden veges, dont get me wrong it will work. And also keep monitering your PH my PH could be right one day and the next it is totally off. I think these are the common mistakes ive seen people make.They add nutes to the soil before the plant has used up the nutes in the soil. Overwatering. Overdiagnosing, The good thing about Rockwool that im noticing is hard to overwater and drown your plants. And if you mess up in any of those departments above it is alot easier to fix your mistake and take out what you put in versus soil. Also guess what no more make or buying soil wooo hooo. Dont mean to ramble but I am lol. Just want to see you do good and let us make the mistakes. Thanks SALT
Yo HO gangalama,
Thanks heaps for the kind words, I have no clue what kind of Haze it is as the beans were a gift. Too bad though cause now you got my curiosity going.
I suppose that I can always go ask my benifactor what he knows. He got it from his boys, sheeeesh.
Now the big part LOL, IF and that's a big if it even sprouts, then yeah, I will be a tad excited myself. I have been imagining a whole lotta LST work ya know.
smoke in peace
Dang, dang, dang, dang,
It turns out that I have now lost 17 seeds that have germed. This is all my own fault, and I wanted to spare some of you what just happened to me. I say some of you , cause there were friends here that gave me fair warning and followed it with solid advice. Here is where I went wrong.

Back when I first started building my grow box, I was at a large garden center, and saw some soil. I purchased it having had good experience with it before. This previous use has always been outdoors where the plants are on the patio,(not MJ) and I spray with insectcides and anti-fungal solutions.

It was MG moisture control potting soil. This stuff is so heavily contaminated with gnats that I am now forced to throw it all out.
All the beans that I germed are now gone, where you might ask have they gone ? These gnats lay their eggs in damp soil, right up on top or in cracks in the soil. They can lay between 30-50 eggs at a time. Real fast the eggs hatch out and now you have a type of larva that feed on the fine hairs of the roots and then ultimitly invade the roots and can move into the stem as well.

They are busy feeding on, and killing your young plants, then to add insult to injury the adult gnats will feed on your leaves ******* the plants juice right out, and thus causing deformation of the plant, and ultimitly death.

The natural cures are only to keep them somewhat in check. For instance the drying out of your soil surface works real well untill you start to water again, as the eggs can live a long time hibernating untill conditions are right for them again. A layer of sand on top of the soil can help, but it's not recommended as the sand grains tend to pack well together effectivly blocking the oxygenation of the potting soil.

The best all around cure is to throw out all the contaminated soil and start over with a different product. I was told this from the git by several members here that are very experienced with growing Indoors.

Strangely enough my one and only baby that is still alive has been harmed by my being goofy and doing it my way. I intend to hospitalize that one and not get it near my fresh start, for fear that I can once again find it all contaminated. I have talked with the company MG, and they could give a good poop. To all here who tried so patiently to warn me, I doft my cap to you.
Thanks for the help you guys, I'm heading out the door as soon as the stores are open. sheeeesh

smoke in peace
Dam bro sorry that happend to you. Hopeing some would have popped out for ya. Im sure you it will be better next time.

Yah buddy I`ve had nuthin but gnat problems dealing with MG potting soil. Sorry for ur losses and best of luck in your future endeavors.
All right, man... let's get step one accomplished first... new "neutral" potting soil...
KK your doing a Great Job and your grow room Looks Great they my friend and experiance is the on ur way to Good plants and I sure u will have a good yield.. As u have had out in the true light.. SUN

I am using Mg moister control time release nutes too but BUT I am going to add some Organic soil to the next run in 6 months lol

You might not see much growing each day but don't go in there for a week and see ur results!!

my wife and I have been baby sitting a 87 yr old lady for 8 days and my lady hasn't seen them all that time and when she finally seen them she says WOW and she says they have gotten bigger..
Yo Hick,
I can't believe that I found some, but yeah I found a bag of Diatomacious Earth .
I would like to ask for some help on this though. Everyone knows that you can end up sorry for following direction at times. So I thought I'm not too proud so help me Mr. Wizard. How do I use this stuff.
Also picked up some good potting soil, to start the beans after they germ.
I always rush into things so this time around, I am seriously slowing it up.
1.Beans getting replaced as we speak.
2.Germ them up 1/2 in papertowel method, the other half in peat pellets
( open to thoughts on this part)
3. after that 4" pots to promote a good root base, and get to third leaf set.
4. simultaneously treating soil in my three gallon containers from the time I start to germ. Then that transplant should do pretty well.

what do you guys think ? Oh yeah the new potting soil is shultz, that is as neutral as I could find.
smoke in peace
OK Folks and Friends,

I got a care pack in the mail from my Bro, He sent me some beans, and I put them into germ right off. Four popped so fast that it was a tad freaky.
I put them into those peat plugs, and viola I got green again.
Big Thanks go out to Hick for his recommendation on the Diatamacious Earth.
Never used it before, but it was like I had an instant samurai warrior kicking butt fast and furious. I think the fight between the Diatomacious Earth and the gnats lasted maybe a couple of minutes-maybe.
The one fly in the ointment is my Bro said that he had no clue what each bean is cause these were what were left over from the trip to Amsterdam. So this ought to be interesting at least.
Here are the four babies, and we are talking after the germing they flew to this size in two days. Got them as close as I dare to the lights, hope to slow down the upward growth a touch, and get them to fill out more.
Still have them in the peat plugs for a little while longer, to let the roots get a real good footing, then I will plant the babyies plug and all into the treated soil.
Here is what the new ones look like right now, just took the shot about ten minutes ago.SH100003.JPG
smoke in peace

a nice fresh start.:guitar:

It is looking good! I definitely will be watching this, a mix from Amsterdam??'s gonna be sick.
It might turn out to be a score, than again I might end up with crapola, but when someone gifts you, you don't want to be getting picky right? I mean that would be embarassing at best.
I do have an active imagination though, and I think I see Papaya, Ice, W/W, and train wreck, LMAO Coarse I've been such a stinker lately that I would just laugh my butt off if I got four males, (I deserve it). LOL

smoke in peace
Ha ha I found it finally. I wasn;t sure if you were doing a whole new journal or not. For 11 days those aren't bad at all. And just so you know we have seen your outdoor, we know you can grow. Those look good though nice and healthy. Are you 24 hours on or do you use something else in veg? good luck and keep up the good work
Hey there snuggles,
Yeah, I'm keeping them under light 24 round the clock, But wondering if it will help them more to allow for some rest time, Like maybe go over to 18/6. Also wondering if I should now remove the Diatomacious Earth, or just leave it go for now ?

smoke in peace

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