Dang, dang, dang, dang,
It turns out that I have now lost 17 seeds that have germed. This is all my own fault, and I wanted to spare some of you what just happened to me. I say some of you , cause there were friends here that gave me fair warning and followed it with solid advice. Here is where I went wrong.
Back when I first started building my grow box, I was at a large garden center, and saw some soil. I purchased it having had good experience with it before. This previous use has always been outdoors where the plants are on the patio,(not MJ) and I spray with insectcides and anti-fungal solutions.
It was MG moisture control potting soil. This stuff is so heavily contaminated with gnats that I am now forced to throw it all out.
All the beans that I germed are now gone, where you might ask have they gone ? These gnats lay their eggs in damp soil, right up on top or in cracks in the soil. They can lay between 30-50 eggs at a time. Real fast the eggs hatch out and now you have a type of larva that feed on the fine hairs of the roots and then ultimitly invade the roots and can move into the stem as well.
They are busy feeding on, and killing your young plants, then to add insult to injury the adult gnats will feed on your leaves ******* the plants juice right out, and thus causing deformation of the plant, and ultimitly death.
The natural cures are only to keep them somewhat in check. For instance the drying out of your soil surface works real well untill you start to water again, as the eggs can live a long time hibernating untill conditions are right for them again. A layer of sand on top of the soil can help, but it's not recommended as the sand grains tend to pack well together effectivly blocking the oxygenation of the potting soil.
The best all around cure is to throw out all the contaminated soil and start over with a different product. I was told this from the git by several members here that are very experienced with growing Indoors.
Strangely enough my one and only baby that is still alive has been harmed by my being goofy and doing it my way. I intend to hospitalize that one and not get it near my fresh start, for fear that I can once again find it all contaminated. I have talked with the company MG, and they could give a good poop. To all here who tried so patiently to warn me, I doft my cap to you.
Thanks for the help you guys, I'm heading out the door as soon as the stores are open. sheeeesh
smoke in peace