One more word, or three, NO HEART SURGERY!
After being checked into a prestigious University Hospital, they found I had a hemoglobin number of 5, in the critical stage, 7 being low and 14 being normal. So, all my problems with my heart traced back to no blood pumping through the veins. I had four units of blood and have not felt this good since early spring. I was poked and prodded, scoped and re scoped, had what seemed like more blood taken out than they put in, and in the end came home with Take These IRON Tablets and get the blood tested regular. Thought I would let you all know, especially you Rose.
Gosh that Alien OG looks good! If I do say so myself. We are discussing doing all Alien OG by Cali Connection next year, with the oddball clone.
Happy Holidaze to you all!