Week 1

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These are all NL5 x SK1 and it amazes how different they are in height, all things being equal.
There's a 1 inch runt and a 4 inch stringbean
and i tried to get a picture of the moss on the plug


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Discard dirt? i put it in a composter and reuse the heck out of it with added amendments. Mojo for your grow sopapy.
Sopappy it could be that the environment is contaminated clean the room and the surrounding areas. Throw out everything soil related. This could be the source of your problem but surely not the fresh hydroton. They use ovens at 1200C temps to expand these pellets.
Looks like you have root growth. This one should pick up
Sopappy it could be that the environment is contaminated clean the room and the surrounding areas. Throw out everything soil related. This could be the source of your problem but surely not the fresh hydroton. They use ovens at 1200C temps to expand these pellets.
Looks like you have root growth. This one should pick up

I don't think it was the pellets but I'm afraid to leave ANYTHING untouched.
It was more likely water temps or something didn't get cleaned well enough.
Yup, it's in the air, literally, you can introduce pythium with bubblers for pete's sake,
I never think of cleaning air hoses!
The room is done, outside the room is next

I have both 60L tubs recirculating RO water with 20mL H2O2 29%
Discard dirt? i put it in a composter and reuse the heck out of it with added amendments. Mojo for your grow sopapy.

It's harder to get rid of than you'd think, I'm in the city, no yard, I was looking for CLEAN FILL signs hahaha
yup, need planty mojo, thank you
The only time I have gotten slimy roots was when my reservoir temps got to high. And lets just say my grow rooms are not scientific chem lab clean.

@sopappy does your rapid rooters ever get just damp or are they continuesly saturated?
@sopappy does your rapid rooters ever get just damp or are they continuesly saturated?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's the goal, to let them get to damp or moist and not drenched, but too early to let them dry out completely. They are not continuously saturated but I try to keep them moist: I let them get to where I know they are close to drying out, then I'll let the water level rise higher to submerse half the plug,(and/or spray the rocks around it)
then return water level back to just below the pot (to flood and drain the roots 4 times a day)

Once I seem them yellowing cotyledons, it's in to the tub and I'll never flood above the net pot bottom, I just don't think it's wise to leave those things submerged.

Have two tubs re-circulating 40L w/ 40mL H2O2..... 0000pm and 5.0pH
I'm assuming any ppms is a sign I didn't get all the pythium
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Depends on grow style. Chems once the cotyledons starts yellowing. Organics, I start using tees in about 2 months after the 3rd set of leaves.

I'm trying to get everything right again here but if/when I ever do, i want to cut down on the H202 and I'm assuming this is that Heisenberg tea which i think I can make. This is the first place I've seen "about 2 months" after 3rd set..... do I wait that long in hydro too?
hahahaha morning, pc, thanks
good to know you're still checking in, I think they are grinding to a halt again dammit

not to self: I should not have lifted that net pot to check the roots, they did not like that, shriveled and stuck to the bottom. If I crack others up a bit I see nice white still going down, phew
(I miss dirt, hydro is fussy)
I haven't seen much growth in 4 days !!! I sure hope it's all root activity.


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I'm fearing the walking dead thing again and saw enough yellow to justify the move to the tub and nutes, water is re-circ 200ppm at 5.3 using the 3 flora ones and calmag
last night it was 5.2, no change in level or PPM in 24 hours

I have two of them quarantined in saucers already fearing they'll start up the pythium.
One was a runt that went nowhere, the other was one I gently picked up to look at the roots,
I'll never do that again, it never recovered.


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oh no oh no oh no oh no, hope there's folks around this morning, does this look like pythium starting? These plants haven't budged in 3 days but roots were growing and encouraging when I moved them in to the tub. I even saw those ladder ones, nice and white.
The water is right up to a quarter inch below the pot (plug) re-circ 200 pmm 5.3
I'm ready with the H2O2 but don't want to, it's a 44L rez, say 11 gal

That number 157 bundle looks slimey, and should they all be clinging like that?
or is that just coming up from under the water like a goil with long hair


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What is your rez temp?
Some brands of nutes will discolor the roots.

If rez temp above 75°. I would run a weak solution of H2O2 and lower the temps of the rez. Then maintain the temps at 65° to 72°, I try to stick around 68°. After that leave them alone. Anything that is happening down below, eventually shows up above. Patience is required. Rez temps are extremely important in hydro. The higher the temps, the harder it is to maintain o2 saturation. An air stone in the rez would improve this saturation, also helps with ridding slimy roots, especially if dealing with less than optimal temps.
Check, PC, I'm staying below 75 but it's still 73, 74, and the bottles only drop a degree or two for a few hours. I figure 3mL H2O2 every 3 days is okay.

I got distracted this summer with Thripp wars and neglected the temps and pythium came back. I've been looking at ways to cool my water and stumbled across a claim that running a submerged pump 15' ON and 15' OFF keeps the water cooler. I experimented with submerged vs land and saw no difference. My land pump is warm to the touch though.

I'm going to try one of those Pelltier coolers inline with the re-circulating pump this week.
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Still no growth. Yellowing, not enough Cal/Mg?
Still 5.3 200ppm, They are not eating but did drink 1 litre (unless my dipstick is off)
I wanted to top up with some more Cal/Mg but they're not eating what they have ???


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Holy crap... my pH jumped from 5.3 to 7.0 overnight. The 6 of them drank about 2 litres and the ppm dropped 30ppm.
Do I RESET THE TANK (it's been about 4 days, 5.3 200ppm) and target 300 or 400 ppms?
or just add some nutes to this tank?
I ran mine from 10 to 14 days with just adding more r/o when small, before changing out. Once they got larger I would change out every 7 days
Pythium again.
******* uncle, guess I'll have to burning the place to the ground
water.... still available here
molasses... yep
myco powda... yep
Worm castings... yep

BOTANICARE AQUASHIELD....what are we using in Canada, i can't find this

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