Looking great toker. :aok: You have some Sativas that's for sure.
Whats up with the dead leaves on the one plant?
tn_toker420 said:Not the yellowing...it's browning, drying up crumbling ...only one or two of the budsites, but it's not good whatever it is...Another question, i've got my last male i'm about to pull, i'm thinking about taking a really small branch from it and rooting it , along with another cutting from one of my females in flowering in one pot...Just to get some seeds, but least amount of pollenation possible...Would i be wrong in doing this??? i'm going to have them at least 50 yards from nearest females with bushes/building seperating...I'm not for sure if i'd have success or not being as already in flower...What's everyone think about this??? i know always pull the males, but i just wanna take a small female clone thats no bigger than 12 inches ...If anyone can help i'd appreciate it so much, this is kind of a hurried situation so i need some help...thanks
BuddyLuv said:Cut everything off the male but one small branch . Let it flower for a few days, once the sacs open up cut that last branch off the stump, walk it over to your ladies and give a few lower branches of them a quick spoon session with him. You won't get tons of seeds but you will get enough for next year.
tn_toker420 said:thanks KG...i appreciate the input, i'm just wondering if it being such a small cutting from the male would it produce enough pollen to worry about ..??? i'm just not so experienced with pollenation, only knowing that pollen can travel for a long ways and is no good ...just really wanting to try to keep a little bit of the genetics of one of my ladies , but not screwing up my sensi crop at the same time ...