The Hemp Goddess
This will be a thread where members post growing methods they are using or have used that is outside the conventional methods that are the norm in marijuana growing. I would like to keep to things that you have actually done in the past or are doing now and how it is going. It doesn't have to all be things that worked. It is nice to know things people try that don't work, like grape soda does not make the bud taste like grape, that sort of thing.
I think that it would be easier to use this thread if all posts are titled with their subject. For instance if you are talking about pot size, title it "Pot Size".
This is a thread that could get a little out of hand as others will be posting unusual methods. We will endeavor to keep this a free flow friendly discussion of different ideas.
I think that it would be easier to use this thread if all posts are titled with their subject. For instance if you are talking about pot size, title it "Pot Size".
This is a thread that could get a little out of hand as others will be posting unusual methods. We will endeavor to keep this a free flow friendly discussion of different ideas.