I have searched out and read every bit of information I can find on this topic. It has intrigued me for years . . . so now I'm finally trying it . . .
Air that is rich in negative ions supposedly has a positive effect on people, animals and plants . . . think of how exhilerated you feel while standing next to a lush waterfall, or a crashing surf, or right after a thunderstorm passes . . . that's negative ions in action - cuz these are examples of how mother nature produces them. Dust, mold spores and pollen can float in the air because they are positively charged . . . so in the presence of many negative ions, they should discharge (neutralize) and precipitate to the ground.
There have been a couple pretty extensive studies of the effects on plants. One is
The Ion Effect by Fred Soyka, and another is a research paper by Dr. Albert P. Krueger. Both seemed to indicate that there is indeed some sort of benefit to plants when bathed in an atmosphere rich in negative ions. I dunno, maybe it somehow effects the anion-cation exchange at the root level during nutrient uptake, or maybe it stimulates respiration in some way ?? I really have no understanding of how it might benefit growth . . . and I don't think Soyka or Krueger did either . . . but I don't really care
how it works, just
if it works . . . and one study reported that the cucumbers grew 18" long !!
So anyway, I got me an EcoQuest Eagle 5000 industrial air purifier . . . sucker has a 565 cfm fan on it, and I'm blasting my grow room full of negative ions !! I have no idea if it's producing any benefit . . . or how I could tell that it was, if it was . . . but hell, I'm just trying everything I can think of to get me some big ol' freak donkey buds !! :joint:
(Oddly, I actually have noticed that I feel
really good when I spend time in there
, and the girls are doing really good, so maybe . . . . who knows)
Would be interested in any info anyone has about this, especially if anyone has ever tried this . . . :48: