alright..i tried sprouting like over 50 seeds..(not all at once) and only one successful sprout came from it..i have tried, putting the seeds in the moisty paper towel on a plate..i've put them in a moisty wash cloth on a plate..i've put them in a moisty paper towel in a dvd case..put them in a moisty dvd case then put them in a zip lock bag..put them in a glass a water..put them in cups of soil and put ziplock bags over the cups..put them in the dvd case on top of my router for heat..and so on and so on..what is the deal with these damn seeds? or maybe my bag seed is defective..BUT..i have squished the seeds out of frustration and the sprout "baby" squishes out..(just for you mutt) apparently the seeds aren't dead..sooo, is it just me being impatient or what? i dunno what else to do..damn i'm running out of bagseed, cuz i keep squishing 'em..