Random Thought Thread

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Medicare will cover the standard which does not change vision from my understanding, but for $1,500-$2,500 they will correct your vision for distance (will not need glasses) but, whether you needed them before or not, you will need glasses for reading and computer. I am undecided at this point. You can buy a lot of glasses for $4K.
Yep! And if I get a bad pair of glasses, I can go somewhere and get another pair. Not sure if they do eyeball transplants yet.
In physics, the second law of thermodynamics says that heat flows naturally from an object at a higher temperature to an object at a lower temperature.

Why is it then that, when I open my back door, I can feel a rush of cold air coming into my house? I don't feel warm air going out...my house is 68 degrees inside - it's 35-ish degrees outside...I feel only cold air coming in?
Good question. That would have cost and extra $1,000 at the time. Mrs Pute just had both eyes done last year and it was up to $1,500 per eye. We both passed. We need something to hide the wrinkles so we both wear glasses. She has had second thoughts. Not me....I like my glasses.......
Im just wondering if anyone that got those kind still have to use reading glasses or if it effed up their eyes. I would do it to get away with reading glasses. If not I would just get regular plain glass on top and readers on the bottom as I hated that stage in my life where I was always looking for my readers. I had 40 pairs and never when I needed them

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