Oooooo, a dad joke groaner.Why did the mathematician refuse to work with the number 288?
It was two gross.
1.4 billion peeps can't be wong
Frozen PeasWent and got snippy snippy today now I’m hobbling around the house about to get blitzed
He had the Gastro surgery a few yrs back and lost a ton of weightI don’t know if y’all know who Al Roker is, a newscaster for NBC. I was just watching the news and he has put on an asss big enough to be called a caboose. Apparently the man has struggled with weight issues and it looks like he has drastically lost the fight from the back end view…just sayin..,
Its a Blk thingI noticed the way he was waddling around on stage talking about the storm that just passed and then when he turned around I realized the reason. I don’t know how you can get such a big backside.
Yes I forgot it was tonightDont forget to check out the blue super moon tonight
The next one comes in 2037