Random Thought Thread

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I would argue that every day should have a 50% chance if a thunderstorm. Either there is going to be a thunderstorm or there isn’t…

We were on vacation last week and leading up to our departure, the weather looked like it was going to suck. Even when we were there, on the beach, the Weather Channel was saying it was cloudy. Cloudy apparently means there is a single cloud in the sky. I even got a little bit of a cloud burn. To be honest, I am kinda glad the forecast looked as lousy as it did. Fewer people on the beach left more for us…😁
Alexa.........please monitor my every word.
Another thing I cannot quite grasp about today's humans.
If i ask Aleax if she loves me. She says yes,, you are a sexy bastard. 😁 I programmed her to say that if I ask her that question. Its funny as hell. My Wife even gets a kick out of it. You can program her to answer questions the way you want. She won't use the word Fk or anything but pretty much anything else.
You should have asked Alexa. 😁
No Alexa or Firestick or Google-Monitor-My-Every-Word in my house. iPhones and smart TV’s though so I am pretty sure they are getting the information on my political leanings that they want. The black suburban with govt plates down the street is waiting for me to slip up…😁
I got them all. They know everything about me anyway. There is no hiding from Big Brother. If you have a Smart TV you might as well have them all.
It’s what’s coming next that’s scary. An AI that you customize, runs from your home PC and learns all about how you think. Most people will have to have one me probably included.

The scary part is when they hack into it
No..........no to digital currency as well.
I absolutely refuse to be a willing slave.
They want me in chains be they real or digital they are gonna have to physically enforce it at ALL times.
Technology can be used for good and evil just like Weapons. Actually, they are all weapons for good or bad now.

WE are not so far from this becoming reality folks.

No..........no to digital currency as well.
I absolutely refuse to be a willing slave.
They want me in chains be they real or digital they are gonna have to physically enforce it at ALL times.
LOL truth be told we have had a digital currency since we went off the gold standard when you examine the issue
Money will be the least of our problems. China will soon be in our streets with weapons if we don't wake the fk up,,, thanks to little elves that hide in the forest.
No Alexa or Firestick or Google-Monitor-My-Every-Word in my house. iPhones and smart TV’s though so I am pretty sure they are getting the information on my political leanings that they want. The black suburban with govt plates down the street is waiting for me to slip up…😁
LOL truth be told we have had a digital currency since we went off the gold standard when you examine the issue
Agreed in that the dollar has nothing backing it up. Since there is no gold(or silver if you have seen ‘silver certificates’ that look like bills), the govt can print as much paper as they want and dilute the ‘value’ of the ole greenback(see inflation)…
I am totally exposed. Alexa and Siri are my best friends and anyone looking at my Amazon buys or youtube thread would be all over me. I know I know…. I still write paper checks and don’t do my banking online but I know it’s all out there too from others putting it up on the net for view by the bad guys…
im already sorta a slave to the digital world as much as I hate to say it…
Money will be the least of our problems. China will soon be in our streets with weapons if we don't wake the fk up,,, thinks to the commander and thief.
We are letting China slowly take over this country and our government isn't doing a thing about it. They are coming across our southern border by the thousands, buying our land and who knows what....not good.

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