Random Thought Thread

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you might think it but your body knows a different story!
My body hates me now that I’m going to be 71. All the sins and abuse that I have perpetuated on myself as a child are now coming back to roost. Every morning I eat breakfast with the ice pack on my back and then spend a half hour with a heating pad on my belly. Only after that ritual, I can begin to have some semblance of life again… if I am still around in 10 years, I just can’t imagine all the joy that I will experience in the mornings…😱
My body hates me now that I’m going to be 71. All the sins and abuse that I have perpetuated on myself as a child are now coming back to roost. Every morning I eat breakfast with the ice pack on my back and then spend a half hour with a heating pad on my belly. Only after that ritual, I can begin to have some semblance of life again… if I am still around in 10 years, I just can’t imagine all the joy that I will experience in the mornings…😱
I'm not in the ice pack or heating pad area, but I had a *TIA a couple years ago - right about the time a bone spur broke off in my knee...my sense of balance is pretty much gone now, my head gets foggy once in a while and I can't remember why I got into the fridge, plus I have a hard time getting back up off the floor when I get down there - like when I have to clean my bathroom floor. UGH

*That's what my doctor suspected, but my "insurance" (cough) at the time ("exchange" - go figure) wouldn't cover the tests to either prove or refute it, so I still don't know...but something happened all at once, and doc made his best guess. It often doesn't leave physical clues at any rate, apparently.

Now that I'm on Medicare, he wants to get me back in...but it's still gonna cost me a princely sum, I reckon.
Medicare is a scam that we have paid in to all of our lives. They do their very best to deny most claims but if you’re consistent and persistent you usually get what you need. When I had the cancer surgery they left me with a wound that no one will discuss with me, nor will they acknowledge that I have a problem. It’s all about the money and in these times everybody wants you to go to a specialist. It takes three months to see one and the co-pay is ridiculous. My life and how I lied it have drastically changed in just the last two years. I still have a life, but I have to work around the discomfort that comes with it…
My body hates me now that I’m going to be 71. All the sins and abuse that I have perpetuated on myself as a child are now coming back to roost. Every morning I eat breakfast with the ice pack on my back and then spend a half hour with a heating pad on my belly. Only after that ritual, I can begin to have some semblance of life again… if I am still around in 10 years, I just can’t imagine all the joy that I will experience in the mornings…😱
Lets talk in ten years ☝️
We are in serious trouble and no amount of chatters gonna fix it.
"On Sunday evening, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered that roughly 2,000 troops prepare for a potential deployment to Israel to "help with tasks like medical and logistical support", multiple defense officials said."

Quotations marks are mine.

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