Growdude said:
Thats all you need to say! Good job.
it`s great being stoned for free man, god`s gift to man.
You're right Growdude, I guess it does speak for itself...
and Shuggy, it is a real nice sense of pride that I have when I smoke my own...
As for a smoke report, I have to tell you, this stuff really snuck up on me...:holysheep: I am a bit of a 'light-weight' when I comes to smoking and I normally get a great high from 1-2 hits easy...
Soooooo...the other night when I took the first hit, :bongin:I really didn't feel much,

so took another while I sitting down outside talking on the phone w/hubby...and I'm thinking to myself 'well, this is my first grow and it's not as strong as the other stuff I've had, just have to smoke more of it...but I can live with it...okay, and I take a 3rd hit...
About 10 minutes later, we finish our conversation and I go to stand up and
OMG!! I was totally blitzed!! :holysheep:
And I was thinking I should go on to MP and give a smoke report...this stuff is awesome!!! I was trying to keep my mind focused on writing but the words were not flowing on the typewriter as well as they were flowing thru my brain...

so I just logged off, walked away and ...did something..

:rofl: :aok: