The harvest is complete... :aok:
I am attaching 3 cell phone pics, but I'm warning ya,
they're not very good,

I'm hoping that you can at least get
some idea of how they look.
The weight was 1.15 #...I was very surprised about that! :shocked: I don't know what the dry weight will be...but I'll report on that later.
Took a pic of the biggest of the colas, don't know if it will show in the pics, but it measured 10" long. Most of the rest were from 2" - 5" long...not bad for a first time grow!! I'll get better!!
The other pics show each plants' harvest laid out on 8.5" X 11" printer paper and the buds in the paper plates is the "popcorn" buds (anything 1" or less)
I didn't cut the
'seeded lady'. 
I had enough to do just harvesting the other two...

...what a job!!! There isn't much in the way of flowers on her, anyway, mostly seeds, but I'll keep you posted.
ALSO...I really need some advice on how do you get the resin off your hands when you're done???
I was going to go out with some friends tonight...BUT...had to cancel out... can't go out in public smelling like a MJ plant!!
I tried ...
dish soap, (no help)
Simple Green (helped some)
Rubbing Alcohol (got it out from under the fingernails)
I can still feel it on my skin, and I can definitely smell it. At this point, does it just have to wear off????? :confused2: