need a lil help

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May 2, 2007
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is there anyone that has pictures of male and females growing from day 1 to ripe because if i could have a visual as when to pick my plants that would be wonderful i dont want to pick them to early or to late im also trying to go for a head high instead of body high and i do believe that i have to pick it a lil bit early im not sure how that works any tips on that would help alot also my last question i heard that there is a chemical called cholbrite or something and that its like a small bottle its a one drop one gallon ration but it is suppose to turn your buds into super buds if anyone knows anything about that would be nice thanks for the help and hospitality guys
well i guess what im saying in a nutshell is that its hard for me to read a guide and understand if anyone could show me like week 1 week 2 so on then the picking and drying basically the steps and how it shoiuld look as i do it because i have no idea what to look for so if anyone could help with that it would be alot easier
Cas the plants all look the same untill they start to flower and the male makes little pollen pods and the female makes white hairs that stick upward from the flowers. Look up male and female plants too see what they look like. The plants will grow all year and look almost the same untill they start to flower. So you may have five months of them looking just alike then they will start to show there differences. Slim
ok noob question here i planted em a few days ago when should they be ready (im going for more of a mind high so i do believe it should be a little early not sure)
Casik... have you gone thru the journals and guides? they will answer all basic questions and plenty of more info you will want to know.. check them out.. if you have any questions after plese drop a line and some1 will be more than happy to help you out... if you have specific questions just go thru the journals and find some similar setup to yours and read on..
Good Luck..:joint:

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